Reading online/offline

Let me start by saying that I am very thankful for the effort the development team is putting into the Android App. Having a large chunk of my Library available on my HTC Evo 4G was something I was dreaming about from the first day I got the phone, and the implementation has not disappointed!
As for feedback that may prove useful to the team, I have noticed some behavior that could probably use some optimizing. I've read 3 books cover-cover on the app so far, and one thing I have noticed is that battery drain is significantly higher when reading online vs offline. Without knowing what's going on behind the scenes, I can understand how that might be inevitable if a resource is being downloaded piecemeal while reading (downloading each page at a time or something to that effect). What bothers me though, is that even if I am reading a resource that is downloaded locally while my internet connection is active, it still seems to give this increased battery drain. If I shut off my internet connection, I don't see nearly the same amount of drain while using the app. (I would say the battery drain is easily 1.5-2x as fast while online vs offline reading)
I don't think this behavior is caused by my phone, as I use it rather heavily, and am familiar with the drain caused by 3g/wifi and the various applications I run. If need be, I can try to scrounge up some cold hard data to help with testing.
I'm glad you're enjoying the app!
The extra battery drain does not surprise me, as the Logos app will pull books from our server piecemeal when online, regardless of whether or not a book is downloaded locally.
This is intended to make sure that the user always has the most up-to-date version of their books.
If you'd like to see different behavior, I'd reccommend that you post in our Suggestions forum, which is where our leadership takes ideas from the community and decides whether to act on them.
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Thanks for the quick response Hunter. I will indeed make the suggestion!