Highlighting Question

I know highlighting and notes are coming. My question is will they be duplicated from the desktop on our mobile devices. For example will we be able to use a highlighting set as complicated as the Inductive on the iPad? I'm just trying to get an idea of the highlighting capabilities.
Philana Crouch said:
will we be able to use a highlighting set as complicated as the Inductive on the iPad?
There is no public information about this. Unless someone from Logos wants to chime in, we will have to wait and see. The notes & highlights are supposed to be synced between devices though.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Dave Dunkin said:
Dave... Let us play! Don't tease... I can live with imperfections and bugs, been doing it all my life.
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Go Dave Go!
Dr. Kurt Trucksess
www.christ2Rculture.com0 -
Dave Dunkin said:
Please don't torture me. I just can't wait to see it. It's so hard to read book without ability to highlight. I think after release I will have to read some books again
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill
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Dave Dunkin said:
Very excited, I have some of the New Instictive Bible Study Guides on my Kindle app, want to use them to mark-up my Bible on my iPad. Now if we could just get those study guides in Logos or Vyrso!
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How about Evernote support. What do you all think?
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Yes, love the idea of highlighting across platforms! You go Logos!
A right click save to Evernote would be handy too[*-)]
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Wow - very cool to see a teaser! Any idea how much longer is "very soon" ?
River of Life Church: http://LifeOverflowing.org
Visit my blog: http://LifeOverflowing.org/pastor0 -
Been hearing closer and coming soon for over a year. Not holding my breath.
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Dave Dunkin said:
Will the notes have rich text formatting (bold, italic, and underline)
- lists
This would be very helpful!0 -
Philana Crouch said:
Will the notes have rich text formatting (bold, italic, and underline)
- lists
- bullets.
In the first release, rich text formatting will be preserved in existing notes from the desktop. In follow up releases, we will add more formatting options to the mobile app.
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Sounds reasonable to me Dave! When did you say it was going to be released? (Just kidding [:D])
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Dave Dunkin said:
In the first release, rich text formatting will be preserved in existing notes from the desktop. In follow up releases, we will add more formatting options to the mobile app.
That's great! Having formatting options like this will make Logos a better mobile app!
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Hi Dave
Looking good, cannot wait to get it.
Is all the custom highlight will be available on mobile device as well?
God bless
Stephen0 -
The iOS apps will support the same highlight palettes as Logos 4 on the desktop.
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Dave Dunkin said:
The iOS apps will support the same highlight palettes as Logos 4 on the desktop.
Will we be able to create highlighting palettes on the iPad using images (like with some of the Precept ones) or will those need to be created on our desktop, then synced backed.
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Creating and managing palettes will not be supported in the first release. I don't have a timeline for when support may be added. Palettes created on the desktop will be synced to the iPad.
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Dave Dunkin said:
Creating and managing palettes will not be supported in the first release. I don't have a timeline for when support may be added. Palettes created on the desktop will be synced to the iPad.
Thanks for the info, I am certainly looking forward to this. I don't know any other mobile Bible apps that will be able to do this type of mark-up. Will we need to be online to use highlights and notes? I know we will need to be online to sync everything.
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Notes and highlights will not require an Internet connection.
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This is all very very good news! Thanks for sharing, Dave!
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Dave Dunkin said:
Notes and highlights will not require an Internet connection.
This is good news.
Any idea on a release date or best estimate.
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I really doubt David is going to be able to give you a time table. I have no insider information, but what you should be looking for is the public release of Logos 4.5 (currently in beta). This is needed to make the new app work.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
This is exactly what I am waiting for. I can't wait for this to be implemented!!!!!
Go Team Logos Mobile Go!
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I don't have a mobile device and I am excited! [;)]
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Great to see this progressing. It really can't come fast enough! It will be good to be able to practically read my Logos books (away from my computer) again!
Keep up the good work - actually - speed up the good work!!!
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will this also be available for android or only for ios
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Hi Samuel - and welcome to the forums
Samuel Juado said:will this also be available for android or only for ios
In general, Logos plans to deliver feature parity on both iOS and android platforms, although iOS is ahead at the moment.
Specifically - as per http://community.logos.com/forums/t/34373.aspx - notes and highlighting are planned for Android.
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David Eirschele said:
How about Evernote support. What do you all think?
Awesome idea! However, that request will have to wait until after the Logos cows come home.
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Ditto - I love Evernote!
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well? it is almost the new year....almost time to start the new reading plan.....and still no highlighting......maybe y'all can call Olive Tree and ask them how they do it since it does not seem to stump anyone but logos.......
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Steve - Why do you feel the need to speak down to the developers? Get a life. It has not "stumped" them. It is a matter of getting it to work across the many platforms. From other posts & tweets you can see that highlighting on Logos is actually happening, but 4.5 has to come out of beta first.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Yikes [:|]alabama24 said:Get a life.
River of Life Church: http://LifeOverflowing.org
Visit my blog: http://LifeOverflowing.org/pastor0 -
Settle down, little whippersnapper. I have an awesome life. I did not pay for Olive Tree, and they can sync across devices. Apple can. Kindle can. Several apps can. Yet the program I paid a LOT of money for seems to be unable to do it. As to it actually happenbing, I have heard that line for many months.
Now, take a few deep breaths, put down your GI Joe and barbie that you got Christmas, and learn to respect your betters. When I pay this much for something, I am entitled to speak my mind. I served in the Army so that I could have freedom of speech. I do not need a brown noser to tell me I can't.
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Steve, I suggest that you step back, and read what you just wrote.... the rest of have and are very offened by your attitude. Can you speak your mind... give your opinion... sure, and that is the very right that you fought for, but to belittle anyone is no part of that right, and most importantly, what happened to being a child of God, redeemed, and following his will? What about the 8th commandment, and yes, even logos may need to look at stating the whole truth in their advertising and change their advertising to reflect how the app actually works at the present time, however, I still beleive (because I am using the software and it is working pretty well) that reading plans, notes, and even highlights are just days away... , most likely will be here before they could even get new adds out. Now, it is certainly your right to dissagree with me, to state your own opinion, but not to be rude or to slander anyone. Please reread and rethink your last post... especially when you say "your betters" What makes you better than anyone else... I believe that God would still call you a sinner, just as He calls the rest of us. That makes us equal and not better than another. Think about what I state here, and please pray about it, don't try to justify yourself, instead repent, and seek forgiveness... the truth of the software will resolve itself...
Steve said:Settle down, little whippersnapper. I have an awesome life. I did not pay for Olive Tree, and they can sync across devices. Apple can. Kindle can. Several apps can. Yet the program I paid a LOT of money for seems to be unable to do it. As to it actually happenbing, I have heard that line for many months.
Now, take a few deep breaths, put down your GI Joe and barbie that you got Christmas, and learn to respect your betters. When I pay this much for something, I am entitled to speak my mind. I served in the Army so that I could have freedom of speech. I do not need a brown noser to tell me I can't.
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Deleted to keep from lowering my standards.
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Rev. Perhaps you should learn to be a little more fair and less biased. I responded to someone telling me to get a life.
Now, it appears you believe THAT was being "Christian" and "Charitable", but I did not. And I am free to speak my mind, especially when what I got was not free, but paid for by my hard-earned money.
And I did not slander anyone. In fact, if you believe what I said slander, then you must agree with Bama who said I have no life. Which, since I DO have a life, was "slander" that you apparently approved of.
Now, IF you are a Reverend, I would expect a little more fairness.
And though YOU might be offended by what I write, you are not obligated to read it. I am offended that I have been hearing promises of highlighting for a very long time and went ahead and paid my "hundreds of dollars" based on that promise.
And since I paid for a product, I am certainly within my rights to proffer my complaints.
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Rick, as a disabled Vet, I could care less what you believe. I did not mention it for anything other than what I typed. To show that I have a right to voice my feelings.
And, based on y'alls posts, it appears that charity is only expected from certain people in the "Christian" world.
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Steve said:
Rick, as a disabled Vet, I could care less what you believe. I did not mention it for anything other than what I typed. To show that I have a right to voice my feelings.
And, based on y'alls posts, it appears that charity is only expected from certain people in the "Christian" world.
You are correct, you do not show much charity.
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Oh, you are a disabled vet. Thank you so much for your service.
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Let us assume, for the moment, that I have not shown charity. The Bible says to turn the other cheek. Instead, I have one person tell me to get a life and a Reverand accept that, but chastize me for my response. Perhaps I just misunderstand the Bible.
Am I irritated? Yes. I paid a lot of money for a product because I was told that this would be available by the end of the year. Whenever I ask, I hear "soon". I have been hearing "soon" for many months.
I apologize if I have offended anyone.
And Rick, thank you you for serving, too.
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Steve, I apologize. As soon as I posted what I deleted earlier I knew I should delete it, you just beat me to it. I was hoping that the five minutes that it was there would be a short of enough time to delete it without anyone seeing.
And yes, I have problems. One of them is that it is easy for me to look out the window and judge other people but very hard to look into the mirror. Another is that sometimes my emotions overcome sensibility.
I guess it is a good thing that I have never been called into a leadership position within the church.
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Rick, truly no need to apologize. This is a discussion board. I believed it was a place to vent, request, praise and just chat. Today, I vented. I have been an Olive Tree user forever, and love it because of the highlighting, etc. But, I thought I would take a shot and try Logos, even though almost all of my studying is on my ipad and iphone. I was told we would have the highlighting by the end of the year. That was important to me because I wanted to do my yearly Bible Reading Plan starting January 1. Now, it seems I will have to use Olive Tree again.
At a time where funds were short, I paid for something based on what I was told and, yes, I am a tad irritated that Logos seems to have so much trouble with this.
Thanks for your post. It was very welcomed.
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