New update with fix for sync with iPad, iPhone

Gary Wiens
Gary Wiens Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there more information on when the sync feature will be fixed? When I do my reading plan on my mobile devices, it does not sync properly to Logos 4. Subsequently, I get Reading Plan (3), (4), (5) etc.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Gary - The last word is that they are hoping to have a fix by early in the new year. The crux of the problem is the current sync infrastructure, which is being worked on. Currently, 4.5 (in beta now) brings changes to the sync infrastructure for notes & highlighting. This will allow those features to debut on the next major release of the mobile app. An update to the sync infrastructure for reading plans is supposed to follow shortly after.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • David Mitchell
    David Mitchell Member Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭

    Is there more information on when the sync feature will be fixed? When I do my reading plan on my mobile devices, it does not sync properly to Logos 4. Subsequently, I get Reading Plan (3), (4), (5) etc.

    I can't tell you when the release will come out (prognostication has never been my strong suit), but I can tell you that the code for iOS reading plans is on my monitor at this very moment.

    So I'll get back to working on that now…

    David Mitchell
    Development Lead

  • What about the Android app David? Ask the programmer in the cubicle next to you? :)

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • What about the Android app David? Ask the programmer in the cubicle next to you? :)

    Sync v2 needs to replicate data (e.g. reading plan update) quickly between Logos 4 on Mac and PC with Logos mobile apps on iOS and Android plus Logos web site , so hoping and praying for Sync v2 that consistently works quickly and reliably (plus capability to sync highlighting and notes, ...).

    From a Logos 4 Mac perspective, sync has four sources of data for replication; would be easier to code and support if all four sources formatted sync message the same.  Likewise sync message from Logos 4 Mac can currently propagate to four other places; using same sync message format would be smart (and allow for future platform expansion: e.g. Windows Phone).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jane Willeman
    Jane Willeman Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Hello, I think I have a similar problem.  Have emailed for help but no answer yet, must be  the busy holidays.  I have had Logos since the 80's I love it, but it's hard to keep up with the changes.  Guess I will have to head off to Camp again...anyway....I was given an iPad for my birthday in November and immediately got the LOGOS  app. for it.  I read a different Bible through each year.  With the app I was so happy, I could take my iPad in my purse and keep up with my reading, that is until December 11th.  After that date it no longer kept track of my reading.  So I would have to go to my Macbook or my iMac and find out where I am supposed to be then write it down for the length of time I would be gone.[:(]  i now find 2 reading icons in my start up window on both lap and desk.  Is it the sync. that is not working?  Did it stop on Dec. 11th.  Anyone have any suggestions?  I keep getting notes from my iPad that I am behind, but no way to check off what I have read.  [st]

  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    That they are working on the code for iOS is great. I think we are in "soon" meaning soon in the usual way it's is used (rather than how it is used in Revelation). I don't have any inside knowledge, but the last two beta releases have been bug fixes, no new features. So I think it's pretty close! I hope in time for me to use the notes and highlighting and sync for this years Boble Reading Plan (Life Journal Reading Plan).

  • Anyone have any suggestions?

    Workaround [I] iPad has some apps with sync capabilities so could note Reading plan locations on Mac, sync (or send) to iPad, read on iPad, sync (or send) update to Mac, then update Logos 4 Mac reading plan.  iPad includes Calendar, Mail, Notes, ...    Logos 4 Mac reading plan can be exported to iCal on Mac, which can be synced with Calendar on iPad.  Another option is email or notes between Mac and iPad.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Eaton
    Dave Eaton Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    This realy isn't good enough folks.  It's not as though this is a free service that is being offered here - rather a commercially viable service as with any software venture (albeit one that is sorely needed).

    That this bug is 12 months old, that the marketing/sales information on the website STILL claims this as a feature is surely stretching the bounds of acceptability.  I currently have 5 plans on my iPad none of which have even a semblance of reality aout them.  

    Personally I use Evernote to synchronise plans for when i am travelling with only my iPad.

  • Jerry C. Wong
    Jerry C. Wong Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    I haven't been able to sync since mid November.  At least you get various copies - I get nothing but the stupid "read the bible in a year" default.  When, when, when, when, WHEN?!?!?!?!?!?!? ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH so frustrating.

  • This realy isn't good enough folks.  It's not as though this is a free service that is being offered here - rather a commercially viable service as with any software venture (albeit one that is sorely needed).

    Welcome [:D]

    From forum thread => Reading plan sync status know Logos is actively working on a cross platform sync framework, which is not yet ready for use.

    Logos business model funds software development and sync server framework through resource purchases.

    I haven't been able to sync since mid November.  At least you get various copies - I get nothing but the stupid "read the bible in a year" default.  When, when, when, when, WHEN?!?!?!?!?!?!? ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH so frustrating.

    Reading plan sync frustration is shared by Bob Pritchett (CEO), which was included in a lengthy reply on 25 Oct 2011 => along with issue of not being able to hire enough qualified developers.  Logos recently opened a development office in Phoenix, AZ =>

    Apologies: I have no idea when for Logos 4.5 stable release and corresponding mobile updates to sync reading plans, highlighting, ....  With some known bugs, looking forward to Logos 4.5 Beta 13 release soon, perhaps later this week.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Carl horner
    Carl horner Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    I have the same issue with my reading plans on my iPad.  The plans that show up are the plans I was using when I first loaded the logos app onto my iPad.  Has anyone tried deleting the logos app and then re-installing it again?  I am hesitant to do this, but if it would work then at least I would have the correct reading plan on my iPad for this year.  Of course if it wouldn't sync and keep up, maybe it isn't worth trying?


  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,459

     Has anyone tried deleting the logos app and then re-installing it again?


    Delete the app = re-download all your offline books.

    Just so you are not surprised by the result.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

     Has anyone tried deleting the logos app and then re-installing it again?


    Delete the app = re-download all your offline books.

    Just so you are not surprised by the result.

    An uninstall/reinstall will not solve the iPad/iPhone sync issue.  As already mentioned, a new sync framework is actively being worked on by our Development team and will be delivered in a future release.