Default Bible

I've had Logos for Android basically since the first version was available. I've had NIV as my preferred translation on my desktop copy of Logos for as long as I can remember. However, the Android app has never, ever had anything other than ESV as it's default Bible whenever I look up a verse.
I've searched the forums, and all I can see are posts that say, it will happen if you wait long enough for it to sync (eventually). I've waited months, still no change. I've seen people say to change your prioritization. NIV has been at the top of my prioritization list for as long as I can remember. ESV is at the bottom of that list too. Yet months of having these settings, it still hasn't changed.
I waited a long time for this to come available on Android and I'm truly grateful the app is available. But it is such a hassle if I'm trying to look up a verse. Instead of being able to click the Bible icon and select book/chapter/verse, I have to go into my library, scroll all the way down to NIV, open it, go to the contents, then select book/chapter/verse.
I upgraded to the new version today. No change. I uninstalled completely then reinstalled. Surely this would make it sync?! But no, still it opens the ESV by default.
Surely there is a setting somewhere that doesn't take another 3+ months to take effect? Help please :-). Thx.
Seth Atkins said:
Surely there is a setting somewhere that doesn't take another 3+ months to take effect? Help please :-).
Welcome Seth,
I appreciate the frustration, but there isn't a setting anywhere, nor can I see what may be planned in the FAQ
It would be good for Logos to comment on this.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:Seth Atkins said:
Surely there is a setting somewhere that doesn't take another 3+ months to take effect? Help please :-).
Welcome Seth,
I appreciate the frustration, but there isn't a setting anywhere, nor can I see what may be planned in the FAQ
It would be good for Logos to comment on this.
Hello Dave and Seth,
Being able to sync a different default Bible from the Desktop to Android devices should be supported in a future release, but I don't know the time frame.0 -
I'll second the opinion that there needs to be a setting to choose 1) the default Bible, and 2) the top 5 or so texts in your library that I want to look at. Scrolling through 1000s of titles is too tedious on a phone.
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Seth Atkins said:
I've searched the forums, and all I can see are posts that say, it will happen if you wait long enough for it to sync (eventually). I've waited months, still no change. I've seen people say to change your prioritization. NIV has been at the top of my prioritization list for as long as I can remember. ESV is at the bottom of that list too. Yet months of having these settings, it still hasn't changed.
Go to in the bibles pane you will see a circle to select your preferred bible. Select NIV (or whichever you prefer) and this will sync with the Android app. I had the same problem and followed this procedure and now the android app opens to NASB95
In fact I would bet that the ESV is currently selected (by default) on the biblia site
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Thanks for the tip Fred. I had trouble seeing what you saw, until I went into the Library.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Great fix... worked right away with a restart of my driod.. thank you very much
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Doesn't even require a 'droid restart.
Just login to, go to the library, view your green-checked preferred bible, and/or click in the circle to the left of a Bible to reset it.
The next time you fire up Android Logos, that Bible will come up in reference links (such as the home page morning/evening devotional.)
Not a bad workaround at all!
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These sound like simple instructions, but for a 1st time user ... I could not get to the place you mention to set the setting.
I went to ... logged in with my Logos account ... went to the Library ... found the NASB Bible ... but from here I could never get to the "green dot". I found it under "Settings" once but the options were for searching not for setting.
I would like to have the NASB as my default Bible, instead of the ESV. Could I get you to go thru the instructions again ... like for a 6 year old (even though I'm 55).
Thank you
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Hi Ross, and welcome to the forums.
If you click on the NASB when in the library, a dot should appear to its left which you need to select.
Sorry I can't provide any screenshots at the moment.
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I get to the 'Library' search page. It default shows several Bibles (no 'dot' to the left). Maybe it is my browser settings in some way. I cannot find the dot.
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Ross Warner said:
I get to the 'Library' search page. It default shows several Bibles (no 'dot' to the left). Maybe it is my browser settings in some way. I cannot find the dot.
Here's how I did it:
(FYI, I don't have the NRSV as my preferred Bible, this is just for illustration purposes.)
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Thank you Fredc. That also worked for me. When opened Logos right after it still showed ESV. So I was impatient and removed/reinstalled and it came up NIV.
Strange that with Logos, there are multiple places for setting default Bibles and they aren't synchronized at all. The default within the PC software is separate from the default on I guess it's not important now, but it would have saved me a lot of grief if changing it in the software set it in my profile on as well.
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AFAIK, the reason for two sets of default settings is that publisher licensing restrictions force Logos to have a different selection of resources online vs offline. (Fewer online.)
Thus, you get one default for PC/Mac, and a separate one for web (Biblia) / iOS / Android.
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Hooray! As of 1.0 Beta 2, the Default (mobile) Bible can be selected within the Android App
Thanks much, Devs!