New Ipad
I was just scanning this thread, sorry if this has been answered and I missed it.
Is Logos going to be officially supporting the retina display in how they render text soon? Does it already do that? I think Logos is the last app I use regularly that I need to get confirmation that it will or has been upgraded to take advantage of that amazing resolution before I jump ship and buy one.
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Timothy Shrimpton said:
Is Logos going to be officially supporting the retina display in how they render text soon? Does it already do that?
I don't have a 3 Gen iPad, so take my answer with salt. It is my understanding that normal apps will render typefaces at the higher res automatically. This seems to be the case based upon some other users comments. What will need to be updated is the UI, but the reading text should be good to go.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Timothy Shrimpton said:
I was just scanning this thread, sorry if this has been answered and I missed it.
Is Logos going to be officially supporting the retina display in how they render text soon? Does it already do that? I think Logos is the last app I use regularly that I need to get confirmation that it will or has been upgraded to take advantage of that amazing resolution before I jump ship and buy one.
If you look around you'll find a post where a logos person said yes they would. It is not yet. Despite that fact text looks awesome.Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Hi, jtondee
Yes, I tried the settings under general. Guess what. I went to BestBuy with my Ipad 3rd gen. today. I showed the fellow at the Apple stand my Ipad and he couldn't find the setting either. He went over to the Ipad 2 and checked it out. The setting was there but not available on my Ipad 3rd generation in spite of the manual telling us what to do.
So that ends that. Ha.
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jtondee said:
Ergatee, did you go to settings and turn on the cover lock/unlock believe its found on the general settings, I can't remember if it is on or off by default. I have never messed with the iTunes wifi sync, so someone more experienced will have to fill you in on that. Hope I helps
I don't have the Zagg case that Ergatees is talking about (though I considered it strongly, and I appreciate the feedback about it in this thread), but I got another case that is "compatible" with the new iPad. It says on the box that the cover lock feature works.
What I found in real life is that it's marginal. Whatever magnet pattern Apple uses must have changed slightly from gen 2 to 3, because it doesn't always work. I closed the cover and messed with it, and I would have to twist the cover just right to see the screen turn off, but any deviation from the exact spot caused the screen to pop back on. I think all of these cover manufacturers either assumed that it would be the same as the iPad 2 and were wrong, or they didn't test adequately (perhaps that extra 0.1" thickness is throwing the covers off), but I believe the non-Apple covers are not compatible with the 3rd generation iPads.
So I turned the feature off and I'm happy to simply turn it on or off by pressing the button.
For anyone looking for the settings, they're at: Settings -> General -> iPad Cover Lock / Unlock (On / Off)
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I don't know whether this is OT based on the magnet discussions in this thread, however it does seem like there is some type of issue with new iPad magnets and the sleep/wake function as referred to this this article.
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With all this talk of storage space on this thread I would like to point out that some apps that have been updated are taking as much as 5x the storage of their iPad 2 counterpart. This will increase as more and more apps are updated to take advantage of the retina display. I think the typical app is 2-3x the size. I took this into consideration and went with the 64GB New iPad.
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My experience in the Apple Store yesterday was that the Apple smart cover worked with my iPad 3rd gen. But my new zagg cover with keyboard did not. I was also previously aware that there could be problems.
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As I found out in the store, William, those settings are found only on the iPad 2, but not on the iPad 3. Am I wrong. The store clerk went and checked my ipad 3 and the ipad 2 and came back and said I was right.
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The iPad cover Lock/Unlock setting is the same on the New iPad as it is on the iPad 2, both have the on/off option.
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Sir, I bow to you. You are right! Why didn't I see the option before? Was it necessary to attach a smart cover for the option to show up? We did not see it before and the clerk went to an Ipad 2 and looked at it came back to mine and said I was right the option wasn't there. We tried the smart covers and they worked and now I see the option on my settings general/ etc. when I didn't see it before. How strange. I must be blind.
In Christ,
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My post in the other new iPad thread re: poor Wi-Fi problems:
Optimistically Egalitarian (Galatians 3:28)
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Alan Charles Gielczyk said:
With all this talk of storage space on this thread I would like to point out that some apps that have been updated are taking as much as 5x the storage of their iPad 2 counterpart. This will increase as more and more apps are updated to take advantage of the retina display. I think the typical app is 2-3x the size. I took this into consideration and went with the 64GB New iPad.
thanks for pointing that out, Alan. I actually stopped by an Apple store last night to check them out. Everyone is right, that fonts are sometimes light/fuzzy on ipad2. I started wondering about moving up to 3, even though I really can't afford the 150 dollar increase (over a refurb). But, I was working the angles. After what you said, knowing I couldn't afford more than a 16gb, I think I will go with the ipad2. I just don't want to prematurely run out of room, even with measures to keep storage needs low. (cloud, not using it for storing movies, etc). But I am a little worried about eyestrain and annoyance since I will mostly use it for Logos and reading . . .
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Hi Dan
Dan DeVilder said:But I am a little worried about eyestrain and annoyance since I will mostly use it for Logos and reading . . .
I know this will vary for everyone but I routinely use my iPad2 for reading in Logos for two hours or more each day and don't find it any problem at all.
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Yeah, I have read quite a bit on my iPad 2 over the last year and have not noticed much strain. It should be fine for reading, although I am enjoying the retina display on the new one.
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Graham Criddle said:
Hi Dan
Dan DeVilder said:But I am a little worried about eyestrain and annoyance since I will mostly use it for Logos and reading . . .
I know this will vary for everyone but I routinely use my iPad2 for reading in Logos for two hours or more each day and don't find it any problem at all.
Thank you, Graham, and you too, Alan.
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Ive had the Original iPad (identical displays as iPad2) since it release and have had no problems at all. I use it 3-4 hours daily. To be honest, if the iPad3 didn't have the retina display id actually still consider it "crispy."
If you have the financial means to afford iPad3 I would go for it. However, i wouldn't be worried about the iPad2 display. Its plenty good!
For book reviews and more visit
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getting ready to pull the trigger, but having a hard time deciding about 16 vs. 32 gig. i don't really need to download my library, but I would like a lot of it. And . . . wanting to let the family use it for homeschooling. Anybody here use it for homeschooling and have an idea what space might be needed for that? I'm thinking my kids might want to make movies, too, alhtough I know it can be transferred via itunes. Dang, just think I talked myself into a 32. [;)] thoughts?
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Looking at it as more of a long-term investment (you want upgrade with every iteration) and additional use by family members, I would be inclined to go with the 32GB model. You don't need talking into it but rather confirmation of the talking you've given yourself. [;)]
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Bill Moore said:
You don't need talking into it but rather confirmation
lol. very perceptive. and I need . . . another $49 bucks. (plus $ for a good cover). sigh. I'd almost talked myself back down to the 16 GB, [;)]
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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I would delay the cover instead of giving up an extra 16GB. Obviously, you will have long-term whatever storage you begin with (amazingly insightful, don't you think? [:)]). If I understand the situation correctly, the upgraded apps for the retina screen will not differentiate between the iPad 1 or 2 or 3rd gen., so those with earlier iterations will (may?) see their precious storage used quicker than they had anticipated.
Perhaps more knowledgeable iPad users can chime in on the potential storage loss.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Bill Moore said:
the upgraded apps for the retina screen will not differentiate between the iPad 1 or 2 or 3rd gen.,
wow. hadn't thought of that. I kind of assumed there'd be a difference, but it makes sense it is "all or nothin."
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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just noticed apple charges sales tax for online purchases. that seemed odd (and annoying)
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Dan DeVilder said:
just noticed apple charges sales tax for online purchases. that seemed odd (and annoying)
They're required to do this in states in which they have a physical presence (e.g. retail store, warehouse).
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William Gabriel said:Dan DeVilder said:
just noticed apple charges sales tax for online purchases. that seemed odd (and annoying)
They're required to do this in states in which they have a physical presence (e.g. retail store, warehouse).
doh! [:D]
thanks. I guess I could have my mom, in Iowa, buy it . . . (and that would save me $449 dollars, too). oh welll.
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Dan DeVilder said:William Gabriel said:Dan DeVilder said:
just noticed apple charges sales tax for online purchases. that seemed odd (and annoying)
They're required to do this in states in which they have a physical presence (e.g. retail store, warehouse).
thanks. I guess I could have my mom, in Iowa, buy it . . . (and that would save me $449 dollars, too). oh welll.
I bought my iPad2 in Iowa...however, I didn't buy it online. I patronized a "local" Walmart and got the 32GB...shoulda got the 64 [:(] but I went through the other night and cleaned out some stuff. I almost had my entire Logos library downloaded to the iPad, but decided to only download the "essential" stuff (15 or so Bibles, multiple dictionaries and most commentaries)...[:0]
You'll never regret the purchase and it makes reading fun again because I can scale up the font size for these old eyes.
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For those with iPad 2's and New iPads: Does the Logos app show "more content" on the new screen, or does the increased resolution just go to packing more pixels into what was shown before.
I.e., does more text show on the new one?
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Ward Walker said:
Does the Logos app show "more content" on the new screen, or does the increased resolution just go to packing more pixels into what was shown before.
I don't have either, but I feel pretty comfortable answering this question. Apple has designed the OS to be able to seamlessly scale the apps. As you describe, it just "packs more pixels" into what was shown. This change is similar to what happened with the older iPhones & the retina display ones. Old apps just look better, but they look best when optimized for the new pixels.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
alabama24 said:Ward Walker said:
Does the Logos app show "more content" on the new screen, or does the increased resolution just go to packing more pixels into what was shown before.
I don't have either, but I feel pretty comfortable answering this question. Apple has designed the OS to be able to seamlessly scale the apps. As you describe, it just "packs more pixels" into what was shown. This change is similar to what happened with the older iPhones & the retina display ones. Old apps just look better, but they look best when optimized for the new pixels.
Spot on answer from alabama. The Logos app on the new iPad does look great, without the need for Logos to update the app. Tim Cook of Apple did say that this would be the case when he launched the latest iPad. He also said that when app developers update their apps to intentionally take advantage of the "Retina display", the results will look even better. I'm looking forward to finding out...
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Bill Shewmaker said:
it makes reading fun again
that's what I'm talkin' 'bout! [Y] And, a couple hours after this post, I ordered the 32. will be delivered next Tuesday. [:)]
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Dan DeVilder said:Bill Shewmaker said:
it makes reading fun again
that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
And, a couple hours after this post, I ordered the 32. will be delivered next Tuesday.
Good show! You will not be disappointed. I have made a few purchases in my life that I regret. The price of Apple products always makes my stomach churn a little, but I have never regretted buying something from Apple.
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William Gabriel said:
Good show! You will not be disappointed.
thank you! i am looking forward to it, and appreciate your hearty endorsement!
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Dan DeVilder said:Bill Shewmaker said:
it makes reading fun again
that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
And, a couple hours after this post, I ordered the 32. will be delivered next Tuesday.
Good for you, Dan. Hope it works out well for you.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Bill Moore said:
Good for you, Dan. Hope it works out well for you.
Bill, when are you going to take the plunge? [:)]
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Paul Clarke said:Bill Moore said:
Good for you, Dan. Hope it works out well for you.
Bill, when are you going to take the plunge?
Hi Paul. Hopefully, it won't be too long. My putting the NICOT/NT on a 12-month plan six months ago has put a crimp in my budget. One of our church members told me last night (and he's the IT guy for his company) that they just received a bunch of iPads for board members and upper level staff, so he would be bringing his to show me within a week or so. That may push me into so creative budgeting!
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Bill Moore said:
My putting the NICOT/NT on a 12-month plan six months ago has put a crimp in my budget.
I know that feeling too! That's a great resource, and I hope one day soon you get the chance to read it on your new iPad.
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Paul Clarke said:Bill Moore said:
My putting the NICOT/NT on a 12-month plan six months ago has put a crimp in my budget.
I know that feeling too! That's a great resource, and I hope one day soon you get the chance to read it on your new iPad.
Thanks. That's something to look forward to. I have this idea, perhaps just part of the ongoing attempt to justify getting an iPad (!), that I will be able to do more focused, less distracted, study on an iPad than on my notebook computer.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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All I can say is that I am wowed with the nice size font when reading my Logos books and the page size compared with what I was used to with the rooted Nook Color. I find it a joy to use the new iPad. Sell something and get one is my thought!
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Dan DeVilder said:Dan Francis said:
I will let you know more when i have my
iPad tuesday at the latest.if you are talking about using it as a stand
the leather strap secures it well for a stand in either viewing
positions. as for in bed i will let you know by wednesday...thanks,
Dan. I am noticing the price, about 3 times more than others I am
looking at on amazon. that may count me out right now. but I would
still be interested in your first hand report.I am very pleased with my iPad and BOOKBOOK case. it works well and protects the iPad well, I am not sad to have purchased this case although it is pricey i am very happy with it. I did take a small rubber/felt pad with a a small magnet from a pair of magnetic earrings, and now when i open the BookBook it turns on automatically and stencilled on a cross.
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Looks nice Dan! Thanks for sharing. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
alabama24 said:
Looks nice Dan! Thanks for sharing.
I'm with alabama on this. I didn't realize they had a cool cover like yours. I assume they have several choices? I'll have to plan for a Christmas gift request, maybe?! I ended up with a cheaper "INVELLOP" brand. It was recommended and had good reviews (save for several with ipad3s that didnt work so well with it). I was a bit disappointed in the quality of the one I received, but it is not bad. just not as nice as I expected. But it'll serve a purpose.
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Dan DeVilder said:alabama24 said:
Looks nice Dan! Thanks for sharing.
I'm with alabama on this. I didn't realize they had a cool cover like yours. I assume they have several choices? I'll have to plan for a Christmas gift request, maybe?! I ended up with a cheaper "INVELLOP" brand. It was recommended and had good reviews (save for several with ipad3s that didnt work so well with it). I was a bit disappointed in the quality of the one I received, but it is not bad. just not as nice as I expected. But it'll serve a purpose.
Just 2 basic designs Red and Black, although I believe being hand made they are each a bit unique i.e.. each one is hand finished so the distressing is all different. My spine is not nearly as distressed as the red one on the website. The black version is a bit plainer but i think it has a more elaborate spine design. The BOOKBOOK looks like a very worn journal or similar book. the black one is marked as volume XII, a nod to the company's name Twelve South. But it is very strong but has the feel of a comfortable favourite old volume.
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Me using new ipad2. Me like!!!!!
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
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Hope you enjoy it Dan.
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Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Alan Charles Gielczyk said:
The iPad cover Lock/Unlock setting is the same on the New iPad as it is on the iPad 2, both have the on/off option.
Not exactly. Apple changed the polarity of the magnets, so if you have an iPad 2 case it may not trigger the wake/sleep function of the new iPad.
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Something else to consider for anyone undecided between iPad 2 or iPad 3:
iPad 1st Gen has 256 MB ram and crashes often on apps needing lots of memory. Using Tabs in the browser, pages need to keep downloading all the time.
iPad 2nd Gen has 512 MB ram, as does the iPhone 4S (unsure on other models).
iPad 3rd Gen has 1 GB ram, and apps that used to crash on iPad 1 now seem fine. Maybe less Logos crashes, but too new to know yet. Of course the new HD screen makes text way better. Speed is faster than Gen 1. Browser sessions way better, and less page refresh / re-downloads, due to increased ram.
Bottom line: The iPad 3 has more going for it than only the new display.
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I just got a smart cover for my new iPad and it works flawless.
For book reviews and more visit
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David Hilty said:Alan Charles Gielczyk said:
The iPad cover Lock/Unlock setting is the same on the New iPad as it is on the iPad 2, both have the on/off option.
Not exactly. Apple changed the polarity of the magnets, so if you have an iPad 2 case it may not trigger the wake/sleep function of the new iPad.
So then when I turn the feature "off" it should lock and unlock with the old covers, right?! [;)] Because when I have it "on" it doesn't work it's just that all the bits have been flipped?!
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William Gabriel said:
So then when I turn the feature "off" it should lock and unlock with the old covers, right?!
Because when I have it "on" it doesn't work it's just that all the bits have been flipped?!
that's what I have read, and why my INVELLOP cover won't (usually) work with ipad 3 (i have 2)
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.