Passage Guide Search offline?

Hello everyone, I am new to the forums and was wandering if Logos has developed a way for us to perform passage study while offline. I have downloaded much of the resources that I want included in the passage seach to my iPad2's hard drive, but the app still searches for wi-fi connections (internet) before the passage study is performed.
Did I miss something or do I need to rely on another app like Olive Tree to be able to study on the go without the internet, or a phone data plan? I have invested quite a bit in Logos over the decades and would like to be able to use the resources purchased while on the go.
I have the Olive Tree app on my pad and use it on a limited basis to read and do light study, but I do not want to repurchase resources I already have in the Logos app.
Any help, suggestions, insights welcomed!
Thornell - First, welcome to the forums!
Thornell said:I am new to the forums and was wandering if Logos has developed a way for us to perform passage study while offline.
It depends upon what you mean by "passage study." The "passage guide" uses the logos servers to perform searches. A Logos search is quite complex. In Logos 4, it requires an "index," which allows you to perform the searches offline. To perform something similar on the mobile device offline would require all books to be downloaded and indexed as well.
You can search your books, however, while offline. The most recently used books will be listed as options. If there is another book you want to search, simply open the book and it will appear in the "recent" list.
Again, to answer your question, "passage guide" searches must be performed online. Simple searches of books can be performed offline.
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I guess what I am asking is why is there not a feature that allows "indexing" of downloaded files to the iPad's hard drive so that I can use the software on the moble device in the same manner I use it on my lap top.
The Passage "guide" feature (indexing) should be available to those resources that are downloaded to your device for offline study. Searching manually book by book is not the answer. I have a 64 G Wi-Fi only unit; and was hoping that Logos would develop (include) a way for its clients to study on the go without internet connections.
Frankly the Logos software is why I purchased the iPad because having mobile study flexibility is essential for bi-vocational ministry. (I am a bivocational minister ) After investing thousands of dollars in this software, I am disappointed this functionality is not included.
Thanks for your response, Is there any rumors that Logos is looking to include this feature in the future? I hate that I have to spend more money finding a mobile software that has this function, I would rather continue building the library I already have with Logos.
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Thornell said:
I guess what I am asking is why is there not a feature that allows "indexing" of downloaded files to the iPad's hard drive so that I can use the software on the moble device in the same manner I use it on my lap top.
Right now the answer is simple: your iPad isn't as powerful, which is why complex searches are performed on the Logos servers. I don't know if this will become localized or not. My guess is "yes," but it will be a while yet. A post by Bob which is off topic but related can be found HERE.
A solution that might come sooner is the ability to search ALL downloaded resources while offline, or the ability to search collections.
Perhaps you can explain a bit more about how you use the passage guide? What information are you looking for when you use it?
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I had the same response. I was disappointed that the PG did not operate as expected. However, I was happy to find at one point that a PG run before I went offline worked for me when out of range. It pulled up the previously run PG for a while. Then, when it tried to connect again and could not, it gave me the offline message and would not bring my previous PG back. That tells me that it can store the previously run PG for later use. Why not just let it use the prior PG so I can use it again later when no longer connected? This would satisfy my problem by just knowing I have to run the PG before I leave the house. Then I can go mobile and have the PG with me. Escape my noisy appt. and study away from it all. Please!
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
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Kenneth Morris said:
Why not just let it use the prior PG so I can use it again later when no longer connected?
I assume that this is a memory issue with your device. Apps don't normally "shut down" but go into hibernation. As long as your device keeps the Passage Guide in its memory, it will be available. When you start using other apps, or for some reason the device needs to release the memory, you will lose the PG. I could be wrong about that, but I think I am right. At the very least, it fits with the description of your experience.
Similarly, non downloaded books also work. If you have a book open, Logos will have some of the book in memory. As long as the iPad doesn't dump it, you will have access to part of that book.
If I am right, there isn't anything Logos can do about it… it is related to how iOS handles memory. Your experience, Kenneth, does give a partial solution to someone. [:)]
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alabama24-the ability to search "collections" offline would be a start. I guess I do not understand how competing software already has the ability to do this and logos doesn't.
In terms of how I use the PG, after I have performed my exegetical study a passage, I perform a passge guide study and check trusted sources to see what they have said on the passage. After I know what the passage says in the orginial lanuage, then I see what additional insight God may have given to others who have written commentaries.
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Thornell said:
I guess I do not understand how competing software already has the ability to do this and logos doesn't.
I am not aware of other software which provides what Logos does in the passage guide. Does the "other" software you mention have a passage guide that:
- Provides links to your commentaries, in the order that you have prioritized them?
- Provide a list of cross references?
- Provide a list of parallel passages & harmonies?
- Provide literary typing for the passage?
- Provide media resources which relate to the passage?
- Provide a list of topics based upon the passage?
- Provide a list of "interesting words"?
Thornell said:after I have performed my exegetical study a passage, I perform a passge guide study and check trusted sources to see what they have said on the passage. After I know what the passage says in the orginial lanuage, then I see what additional insight God may have given to others who have written commentaries.
It sounds like you are not asking about original language work offline, but rather, you want access to your commentaries. This, of course, is something you can still do with logos offline… you just may not be able to do it from the "Passage Guide." You can open the commentaries of your choice from the library and turn to the passage you are studying.
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Mr. alabama24- I am not trashing a product that I have already invested thousands in, I simply desire more functionality of the product with my I pad.
The passage guide is essential to how I use the product, maybe that feature is not that important to you and that is ok. What matters to me is how I use the product to minister to God's people. Because the PG is not available off line I am still dependant on my laptop because I cannot do any serious study on the go. The Ipad gave me hope that I could study away from my home office (in traffic, waiting in line, on my lunch break etc) and not carry a much heavier computer.
As far as offline study goes, I can carry a book -but the point of having a "library" at your fingertips is being able to use it intergratively with links and so forth on a electronic device. That if the whole point of the software, to bring our resources together-link them and cut down on the time searching through individual volumes. I am looking for tools that will help me maximize my time and understanding of the Word-wherever I may find myself-with or without a internet connection. On the computer Logos is that tool, on the go.... logos has much potential.
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Thornell said:
I am not trashing a product that I have already invested thousands in, I simply desire more functionality of the product with my I pad.
I didn't think that you were… I am just intending a friendly conversation and trying to understand you better. [:)] I think we can all agree that the app would be much more useful, to those like yourself without steady internet, to have these features offline. In addition to the Passage Guide, there are many more who long for word studies offline.
I wasn't trying to badger you, but you implied that another software "already does" offline, what you are wanting Logos to do. My understanding is different than yours, and if I am mistaken, I would like to be better informed. Does the other company do those same things that I mentioned in my last post?
One final suggestion/thought. If I am understanding your need correctly, your greatest concern is being able to pull up commentaries quickly while you are studying a passage. Is that your primary concern? Have you tried split screen and linking your panels? With this method, if you were in a passage (Hebrews 11, for example), and had the panels linked, you can open up your copy of the BECNT on Hebrews, and it would open to the right passage. As long as you activate the second panel, the new commentary will always open to the right passage. Just an idea until PG are available offline. [:)]
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No worries on this end, lets keep the dialogue going, and keep the suggestions coming, I am open to both. There is much for me to learn about this software that I do not know about despite having it since the first release of it many moons ago. I have always been high on Logos, I think that it is the best of the bunch when it comes to bible software. (I either own or have investigated most on the market)
I primarily use Logos to perform original language studies. Although having the ability to view the commentaries on the go is important, the ability to have quick access to the other resources which facilitate original language understanding is paramount. To that end the Greek and Hebrew resources are essential during that study session. Due to the fact that the PG is the doorway that opens the EG and Word Studies, I am assuming that neither of them are available to me without internet access also.
Concerning other mobile companies, Olive Tree links whatever passage you are studying with whatever resources you have purchased in your account with them, and it is all available offline. I believe Laradian and Accordance also offers this feature. The only problem is that one has to spend money purchasing books, commentaries, dictionaries, lexicons etc, again, just to have that quick access ability in the said software. If Olive Tree has figured out how to compress these resources on mobile, and make use of them portable without internet connections, not sure why a scaled down version of Logos can’t be developed which would perform in a similar manner as Olive Tree off line-with the entire scaled down library linked and avalible with a click. I have Olive Tree and it works well on the go, I refuse to spend thousands on it like I did with Logos for resources I already own. The beauty of Logos is that if you have internet access, you have most of your resources available to you on the go.
The split screen suggestion is something I need to look into, it’s a very good tip! Thanks
Is there a limit to the number links- and can I do this on my Ipad off line?
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[Y] My thoughts exactly!
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Thornell said:
Due to the fact that the PG is the doorway that opens the EG and Word Studies, I am assuming that neither of them are available to me without internet access also.
True that they are not available offline… but I don't think the PG is the "doorway that opens the EG and Word Studies." Word Studies has its own button, and I don't think the mobile app has an Exegetical Guide… but original languages are all Greek to me. [:$]
Thornell said:Is there a limit to the number links- and can I do this on my Ipad off line?
Split screen just allows two panels. It does work offline. [:)]
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