Feature request: choose between advanced and simplified highlighting.

Jason Mc
Jason Mc Member Posts: 21 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Its great having highlights synced to the computer.

At the moment, in highlighting,

1. you select text,

2. then select highlight,

3. then select colour of highlighting, 

(4. I don’t have my touch with me, not sure if there is another step here).

Let’s call this advanced highlighting where you have the option ot choose colours for highlighting.


Is it possible to have a simplified highlighting option where you

1. select text,

2. click highlight, then it automatically highlights as yellow (or whatever colour)? - like in the Kindle app.

I never use different colours, I just want to highlight, then see my list of highlights in Logos 4 on my computer once it has synced.



  • Stuart S
    Stuart S Member Posts: 49 ✭✭

    I've suggested elsewhere simplifying highlighting by only clicking the color and not having to hit the done button. Maybe we could compromise by 1) selecting 2) clicking highlight for simple default color, or 3) click and hold highlight for color choice menu. 

    What do you think? Also it would great if there was a place to suggest and vote on features!


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I agree that it would be nice to add a shortcut feature… but you need to remember the importance of telling Logos where you want the note/highlight to go. My personal preference would be for Logos to add a resource specific note file for each resource within L4. This would require a major upgrade, but would allow for a simplified system that you suggest. Without a system like this, note files could become very large, slowing down your app and causing it to crash… several of us have already dealt with this. [:S]

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