Anyone moved to Samsung Galaxy note?

Any issues I should be aware of before I buy the phone.?
I have a galaxy ace at present, but am looking at a small tablet..
can anyone post a screenshot from the Logos app so I can see what it looks like on the bigger screen, ie does it double the pixels, or is it smaller or just crisper...
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
similarly interested!
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Didn't have a chance to grab some screenshots / photos, but I just wanted to chime in and say I love my Note. Bought it the day after it was released on AT&T back in February.
I'd considered a Kindle Fire, but wanted a full Google experience. FYI - you can't - at least out of the box - install Google apps (e.g. Gmail) on the Kindle, since it doesn't include Google Play Store (formerly Android Market). On the Note, I have both the Kindle and Nook apps installed, so I can still read anything I purchase for those platforms.
As far as Logos goes, both my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate (4 inch screen) and Samsung Galaxy Note (5.3 inch screen) are perfectly adequate. With text size set to "small" on both devices, the Note displays anywhere from about a full verse to a verse and a half more than on the Captivate. You'd think it would be more, but the margins on the Note are just under 5/8 of an inch while on the Captivate they're 1/8 of an inch. Not sure why that is - and there's no way to change it in the prefs.
As my eyesight is just fine - and I like to see as much on the screen as possible - I usually set the Logos prefs to "extra small" text. It's there that the Note really shines and the HD resolution is very noticeable. (In case other readers of this thread aren't aware, the Note has a 1280 x 800 resolution while most other Android phones have a 800 x 480 resolution.) Extra small text on the Captivate is blurry, while it's as clear as day on the Note. With extra-small text, the Note displays Genesis 1:1-26 on the screen while the Captivate displays 1:1-21.
You should know that not all apps know how to deal with the Note because of the high dpi and screen size. Some apps "think" it's a tablet. In the Logos app, the Bible verse selection screen is kinda "scrunched" together, so that the boxes overlap a little bit. You can still tap on the book / chapter / verse you need, though.
It's assumed that when the Note is updated to Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), that the apps will be adjusted to various screen sizes dynamically and the display problems will disappear. While Gingerbread (2.0) and Honeycomb (3.0) were designed for phones and tablets, respectively, ICS is designed for both types of Android devices.
If you have any other non-Logos-related questions about the Note, I'd be happy to answer them - email me at mikegehl at gmail dot com.
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If you want a good and fair "take" on the Note, I suggest going over to Aaron Baker gave it a 30-day test drive. He still ranks the iPhone 4S above the Note, but he seemed to be really swayed as he used the Note as his primary device over the month. The videos section (second link) has a lot of good stuff, including his updates every few days.
I do disagree with his comments about the iPhone ecosystem - especially the iTunes stuff. It did take me several hours to upload all my mp3s to Google Music - and I had to convert some old iTunes tracks to remove the DRM - but now that that's done, I've got every single piece of music I own in the cloud and playable on any of my devices. And if you're still tied to iTunes (for some silly reason), Google Music automatically scans and uploads your iTunes folders into its cloud.
I was especially interested in his reviews because he lives in Charlotte, NC, as do I. That helped me with the data speeds and phone reception.
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Tks for the screen shot!
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Are you not dissatisfied with the larger gap around the edge?
Having just bought a Note for the extra screen real estate, I was disappointed to find most of the new space (compared to my SGII) taken up with blackness.
I am tempted to take the phone back, was so looking forward to more logos screen.
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the extra black is due to it being 2 column., no I am very happy with it, remember we are using beta software
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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I agree that this is beta software and that there will be issues, more than happy with that. However, I don't think that it is because of the two columns. As you can see in the other note thread, this issue exists in single columns and is particularly pronounced in split screen.
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Another great logos type usage is I downloaded my Morris Procter training videos to my note. I added a 64GB SD card so I have plenty of space for all of them. I can set the Note along side my PC with Logos running and followbthebtraining videos. So cool!