I launc the APP and log in, then it weants me to register for free books - makes no sense

After I launch the iphone APP, it asks me for my logos login. I give it and then it tells me to register for 31 free books. Register for what? I signed in already, so I must be registered. I click on this link and it tells me the 31 books and gives me a link to the register page. I tap on it and it tells me I am already logged in.
So, does the iphone app require a separate account than logos? do I have to register twice? why do I get this offer if I already signed in with a legal, long-standing account?
Pastor Michael
you can just ignore that message/offer if you're already registered & logged in. i get that message too
Urban Scholar - http://urban-scholar.com
Christ-centered Hip-Hop - http://www.sphereofhiphop.com0 -
it's from the newsfeed. It's sent to everyone...