Logos will not open on IPAD

As of yesterday Logos will not open on my IPad. I have turned the IPad off and on with no change. The logos logo shows up for about 30 seconds and then the application closes. There are no updates available. I'd appreciate any advice that might be offered. Thanks
Gerard -
If you don't have many downloaded resources, you could try deleting the app and reinstalling.
If that doesn't work, can you give a screen shot of what the app is doing before it closes?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks- that worked.
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Glad to help. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I'm having the same problem, and it didn't work for me.
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I'm afraid it didn't completely work for me either. I am able to open the application but it crashes after about a minute if I'm connected to the Internet. Another thread indicates this problem is being experienced by other users who appear to be awaiting an update to fix the problem.
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My Logos app crashes both on- and offline. Vyrso works just fine -- for now at least.
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Gerard Shanley said:
I'm afraid it didn't completely work for me either. I am able to open the application but it crashes after about a minute if I'm connected to the Internet. Another thread indicates this problem is being experienced by other users who appear to be awaiting an update to fix the problem.
Gerard - Some questions for you:
- Is the Vyrso app having the same problem?
- What versions of the apps are you using?
- How much free space is on your device?
- What internet connection are you using? How fast & reliable is it?
- What computer are you using?
- What version of L4?
- When the app does open, what does it open to (if a resource, be very specific).
- Have you tried doing a full shut down of the device? (Hold both buttons down for several seconds to power down the iPad)
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
- Vyrso closes after about two minutes.
- Logos app. version 2.1.3
- New 32G IPad- loads of space - version 5.1.1.
- Same problem with various internet connections.
- Laptop, Windows 7, Aspire 5738Z
- L4 version 4.5b SR-1
- ESV or Love of God-Two - most commonly ESV
- I have done a full shut down
Thanks for your continued interest in regards to this problem.
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Gerard - Two things to try:
- Open the app and go to the library immediately. Open the NIV to Ruth. Make sure the app isn't in split screen. Does it still crash?
- If that doesn't work, are either of those resources downloaded? If so, delete them and see if the problem persists.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
A third thing (if the others don't work):
How large is your note file? The note file is named notes.db. On Mac, the path is: Library > Application Support > Logos 4 > Documents > [Random] > Documents > Notes > notes.db
Perhaps you will be able to find it similarly on the PC.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
- Open to NIV Ruth and still crashes.
- I have opened with and without downloaded resource and crashes under all circumstances.
- 148 mb under notes.
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Gerard Shanley said:
148 mb under notes.
You have a very large note file database. I have one last question for you... Can you find out how large your Logos app is (you will find that in the iOS settings under General > Usage)? Write down the file size, then play with your app through 5-6 crashes and return to settings to see how large the app is.
After we figure that out, we should probably have you send logs to logos.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
The file size stated at 122 mb and after six crashes it was 123mb.
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Gerard Shanley said:
The file size stated at 122 mb and after six crashes it was 123mb.
As dumb as this may sound, I think it is just gasping for air at trying to download your note file. Much earlier in the beta testing, I had a similar issue with crashes. Once the app finally finished downloading the note file, everything was good to go. It seems like you are still a long way off from finishing (the application itself is about 80MB). I will send an email to Logos, but you should probably send logs. You will find this in the mobile app under the path: More > About > Send Support Info
This will open an email form. Make sure you put "Large Note File Crash?" in the subject line. It would probably be good to include your note.db file size as well.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks again for your help. I will send the logs.
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Gerard Shanley said:
- Open to NIV Ruth and still crashes.
- I have opened with and without downloaded resource and crashes under all circumstances.
- 148 mb under notes.
Hello Gerard,
The problem with syncing large notes.db files to iOS devices running Logos has been a known issue for a while. This appears to be largely fixed in recent development builds although there is another related issue I found today that needs to be resolved. Thanks for you patience - we are working on a solution.