Invalid username or password

SWSovereign Member Posts: 51 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I had Logos running on my Android tablet.  But then, I "bricked" my tablet doing some system level stuff and had to use ADB to reinstall the operating system and start from scratch.

Ever since then, I get an "Invalid username and password" error message whenever I try to log on to Logos.  I have seen some other posts, both from Android and iOS users, of similar problems, but they were all able to resolve the problem, either by waiting a day or two or by making some changes.

No matter what I do, I can't log in to Logos on my Android tablet, but I can on my Android phone using the exact same username and password.  Here are the things I've tried:

1. Tried with both 0.9.4 and 1.0 Beta 2.

2. Uninstalled and reinstalled.

3. Cleared all the application data in Android settings.

4. Made sure that the /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.logos.androidlogos directory was empty before reinstalling.

5. Using Clockworkmod, wiped both my system's cache and Dalvik cache in recovery mode.

6. Copied the authentication.xml file from the /data/data/com.logos.androidlogos/shared_prefs directory on my phone (where Logos is working fine) to the same directory on my tablet (both are running ICS 4.03).  While this partially works in that it allows me to log on and open all of my resources, I get an error when I try to download and save any resource to my device, I am stuck with online access only.

Any ideas anyone has would be greatly appreciated.

5. The only thing 

