Suggestion: allow a BWS on a lemma selected from the Greek or Hebrew Words, as is true in L4 Desktop

Dave Hooten followed up my bug report with:
The desktop L4 app will allow you to conduct a BWS on a lemma that you select from the Greek or Hebrew Words sections. It would require a suggestion for that to happen with the mobile apps.
So, this is that suggestion!
One of the greatest values of the Logos system is its ability to nurture explorative Bible study. Let's ensure that any clickable Greek/Hebrew word can lead to a "normal" BWS!
Pete Holzmann said:
Dave Hooten followed up my bug report with:
The desktop L4 app will allow you to conduct a BWS on a lemma that you select from the Greek or Hebrew Words sections. It would require a suggestion for that to happen with the mobile apps.
So, this is that suggestion!
One of the greatest values of the Logos system is its ability to nurture explorative Bible study. Let's ensure that any clickable Greek/Hebrew word can lead to a "normal" BWS!
Hi Pete,
The suggestions forum is the place to go for this - . Thanks!