Czech Bibles
George Somsel said:
EDIT: Retraction -- perhaps the resource had not yet finished indexing. It works fine.
Hello George. Yes, it had to be indexing. It works fine. By the way George, do you speak Czech? I would be very happy to hear your comments on that translation.
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:George Somsel said:
EDIT: Retraction -- perhaps the resource had not yet finished indexing. It works fine.
Hello George. Yes, it had to be indexing. It works fine. By the way George, do you speak Czech? I would be very happy to hear your comments on that translation.
No, I'm hoping to learn it. The bible seems like something worth using for that since I do already know what it says (I think). [;)]
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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George Somsel said:Bohuslav Wojnar said:George Somsel said:
EDIT: Retraction -- perhaps the resource had not yet finished indexing. It works fine.
Hello George. Yes, it had to be indexing. It works fine. By the way George, do you speak Czech? I would be very happy to hear your comments on that translation.
No, I'm hoping to learn it. The bible seems like something worth using for that since I do already know what it says (I think).
Good point George. You are right. [Y]
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Just to let Logos know, in the product page of the Český studijní překlad, under the "Product Details" the Czech characters are not spelled properly. In the Bible itself however everything works great and the names of the translators are correctly displayed (as you can see below):
přeložili © Michal Krchňák, Karel Dřízal, Jiří Hedánek a Antonín Zelina (vedoucí týmu)
odborný poradce: Dan Drápal
redaktor: Michal Krchňák
Nakladatelství KMS. (2009). Bible: Český Studijní Překlad. Praha: Nakladatelství KMS.Bohuslav
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Hey guys we need your help to get this Bible to the production. Just start learning Czech language now and this Bible will be a great tool for you. It is the language of Jan Hus and Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius), by the way, so you should know it.
Just in case you haven't read it... [:)]
Do you guys have any idea how to reach the enough level of interest so that we can see this Bible in the production? Is pre-pub a good idea for the Non-English Bibles? I see Chinese Bible also hanging in the Gathering Interest for quite long already, not moving forward. Is that the reason not to move on with that kind of important resource? Can we compare "just some other books" with having Bibles in all the languages possible in Logos? Can I help if I raise some money to help to get it into the production? Would that be usable? Just a couple of questions.
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Can I help if I raise some money to help to get it into the production? Would that be usable? Just a couple of questions.
Bohuslav, we know that you guys in the Czech Republic are simply rolling in cash and can afford that type of gesture [;)], but we over here have to pay for the sins of our fathers who ran up a big debt, made the price of gas skyrocket and by their ineptness killed jobs (Oh, that wasn't our fathers, you say?). Anyway, I don't think you should expect to get any answer from Logos on this since that would be revealing their cost structure which is, I would imagine, proprietary information to be closely held. I think we're simply stuck with attempting to find enough subscribers to warrant their producing it (without our knowing how many that might be).
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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George Somsel said:Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Can I help if I raise some money to help to get it into the production? Would that be usable? Just a couple of questions.
Bohuslav, we know that you guys in the Czech Republic are simply rolling in cash and can afford that type of gesture
, but we over here have to pay for the sins of our fathers who ran up a big debt, made the price of gas skyrocket and by their ineptness killed jobs (Oh, that wasn't our fathers, you say?). Anyway, I don't think you should expect to get any answer from Logos on this since that would be revealing their cost structure which is, I would imagine, proprietary information to be closely held. I think we're simply stuck with attempting to find enough subscribers to warrant their producing it (without our knowing how many that might be).
Bohuslav, you could recruit people (who don't own Logos) to create Logos accounts and pre-order the Czech Bible. Call it a fundraiser: "for only 20 US Dollars you can help get the Czech Bible converted to Logos format". Alternatively, if you have extra money that could go to this, you could create multiple Logos accounts and preorder it in each account.
P.S. I preordered even though I don't read Czech.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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I'm guessing that if you could help spread the word among Czech believers ... they can set up accounts and download the free Logos software. With the Czech Study Translation being given away, that's reason enough to use the software. They can then preorder this other translation to help get it into production. Given the weak U.S. dollar, I'm thinking the 21st Century translation would run about 325 CZK, which isn't bad at all for an electronic Bible (less, or just about the same, as the print version).
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George Somsel said:
Bohuslav, we know that you guys in the Czech Republic are simply rolling in cash and can afford that type of gesture
, but we over here have to pay for the sins of our fathers who ran up a big debt,
...and I thought George to do the fund raising in the USA [:)]
But seriously, I think you are right about Logos not showing any details of the costs.
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Steven Baxley said:
I'm guessing that if you could help spread the word among Czech believers ... they can set up accounts and download the free Logos software. With the Czech Study Translation being given away, that's reason enough to use the software. They can then preorder this other translation to help get it into production. Given the weak U.S. dollar, I'm thinking the 21st Century translation would run about 325 CZK, which isn't bad at all for an electronic Bible (less, or just about the same, as the print version).
Thank you Steven and Robert. Thank you for your ideas. I appreciate that. I do try to encourage Czech pastors and people to get Logos. The problem is that Czech Study Translation is now in almost all free Bible programs. It will take some time to convince enough people to see the benefits and superiority of Logos against other programs. I expect mainly pastors to figure out quickly all the things Logos can do for them in their study and sermon preparation.
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
Do you guys have any idea how to reach the enough level of interest so that we can see this Bible in the production?
Bohuslav, I placed my Pre-Pub order for it even though I doubt I will ever learn Czech.
I reckoned my support for it could be a way of helping Czech pastors, missionaries and Christians in general to have access to it. I have always admired organizations like Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Gideons who strive to place the Bible in as many hands as possible. If enough concerned people get behind this (and the Chinese Pre-Pubs) it will benefit the Church in unimaginable ways.
So if there are any non-Czech-fluent users reading this thread, place an order (and follow through) to help our fellow Czech-speaking Christians. Then, every time you see the translation in your Logos library, you will remember you had a part in delivering it. [;)]
And post your commitment here so it keeps the thread in front of everyone's eyes.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
The problem is that Czech Study Translation is now in almost all free Bible programs. It will take some time to convince enough people to see the benefits and superiority of Logos against other programs.
But isn't the Czech Study Bible free in Logos? They could get the Logos engine for free to try it out, and even get much of the functionality and some really great resources for very little by buying the minimal crossgrade.
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Rosie Perera said:
But isn't the Czech Study Bible free in Logos? They could get the Logos engine for free to try it out, and even get much of the functionality and some really great resources for very little by buying the minimal crossgrade.
Yes, the Czech Study Translation is for free and that is just great. It is very literal translation (like ESV in English?) The study notes work perfect in that Bible. To have the other translation Bible, 21st Century Translation is dynamic one and very popular in our country. There had been many public readings of that translation in our cities this Easter. I hope to be able to encourage pastors and other people to get Logos with those Bibles. We still need also to get the main translation, The Ecumenical Bible into Logos also. And the Jerusalem Bible... and... well that would be enough for a while. [:)]
P.S. Thank you guys for showing such a support to that project, even by buying that translation. I really appreciate it. I will tel that to the Czech pastors so that they know you wanted them to have our Bibles in the best Bible tool on the market. [Y]
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- Update on CSP: Some time ago I received a brief note from Logos about reverse-interlinear. It's a no-go [:(]. It says that the whole process is done in-house, is very tedious and there is a long line up of other bibles to be made into RI. Czech market is not big enough to justify the labour. I repeated our offer to prepare the databases ourselves (but it seems that Logos prefers to keep this in-house only).
- As far as B21 not gathering interest, I think it's understandable. It is freely available in so many forms and because it's just the text with no notes or cross references, there is little to be gained by buying it for Logos (other than being able to see it right next to other versions).
I own the Kralicka for Logos. It needs corrections in verse structure, with which I offered my help. That'll probably happen later.
I hope that as the different databases in Czech mature (dictionaries and texts linked to original languages of the Bible), we will be able to come up with an interesting package for Logos that will gather enough interest.
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Vaclav Janca said:
Update on CSP: Some time ago I received a brief note from Logos about reverse-interlinear. It's a no-go. It says that the whole process is done in-house, is very tedious and there is a long line up of other bibles to be made into RI. Czech market is not big enough to justify the labour. I repeated our offer to prepare the databases ourselves (but it seems that Logos prefers to keep this in-house only).
Rejoice ! You are supremely fortunate to be free of this scourge in the Czech language.
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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Vaclav Janca said:
I hope that as the different databases in Czech mature (dictionaries and texts linked to original languages of the Bible), we will be able to come up with an interesting package for Logos that will gather enough interest.
Thank you Václav for all the information. Well, that's reality. Our Czech market is so small, we have to just face reality. We made at least one person happy, George. [:P]
P.S. Knowing Hebrew as George knows, I would (maybe) have the same attitude to the Reverse Interlinears. Great number of Czech pastors however would benefit from them a lot. They are much better than Strong's numbers IMHO.
Vaclav Janca said:As far as B21 not gathering interest, I think it's understandable. It is freely available in so many forms and because it's just the text with no notes or cross references, there is little to be gained by buying it for Logos (other than being able to see it right next to other versions).
Frankly saying, I was really surprised to see Bible 21 in the pre-pub. After getting Český studijní překlad for free, it looked really surprising.
What we can do is to use Bible 21 as a Personal Book before we have it as a regular Logos resource. Copyright "Creative Commons" look to allow non-profit usage of the text as a PB.
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Wonderful [Y]
Thank you for that information. It's great news.
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Hi, do you know any progress in CEP or even Czech Jerusalem Bible?
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Vladimír Volráb said:
Hi, do you know any progress in CEP or even Czech Jerusalem Bible?
Hi Vladimir. Welcome to the forums. I got information from people in the Czech Bible Society that they are working on making CEP available in Logos. But it was long time ago and since then I haven't heard anything new in the matter. I use PBB version till the time it is available.
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I've made CEP and Sykora/Hejcl bibles as my personal books. It's a pitty I cannot transport it to my iPad.
Just now I'm waiting for b21 with deteuro :-)
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Would you be willing to copy and paste from the Czech Bible:
John 3:16
Ephesians 2:8-10
Titus 3:4-7
My mom's family (mostly lost) came from Czechoslovakia.
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William J. Slocum said:
Would you be willing to copy and paste from the Czech Bible:
My mom's family (mostly lost) came from Czechoslovakia.
John 3:16 (ČSP)
16 „Neboť tak Bůh miluje svět, že dal [svého] jediného Syna, aby žádný, kdo v něho věří, nezahynul, ale měl život věčný.
Ephesians 2:8–10 (ČSP)
8 Neboť jste zachráněni milostí skrze víru; a ta záchrana není z vás — je to Boží dar; 9 není na základě skutků, aby se nikdo nechlubil. 10 Vždyť jsme jeho dílo, stvořeni v Kristu Ježíši k dobrým skutkům, které Bůh předem připravil, abychom v nich žili.
Titus 3:4–7 (ČSP)
4 Když se však zjevila dobrota a lidumilnost Boha, našeho Zachránce, 5 zachránil nás ne na základě skutků, které jsme my učinili ve spravedlnosti, nýbrž podle svého milosrdenství skrze koupel znovuzrození a obnovou Ducha Svatého, 6 kterého na nás vylil hojně skrze Ježíše Krista, našeho Zachránce, 7 abychom se ospravedlněni jeho milostí stali dědici v naději života věčného.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Thank you so much, Todd. Wish I had learned some growing up. All I learned were the cuss words.
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FYI, you can get Czech bibles in Logos now:
One of them (the one I quoted from previously) is free:
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Todd Phillips said:
One of them (the one I quoted from previously) is free:
Yes, it's free and the good thing is it is excellent Czech translation as of today. I recommend it very much. [Y]