Notes Update?

I was just wondering if we could get an update on the progress of the notes feature? Also, as a I thought, would some kind of poll be helpful to Android developers on what features we would like to see first/next? I know you are working to bring us all that we are asking for and I would not even begin to presume what it takes to make any of it work.
Squeaky wheel gets the grease, right?
Everett Headley said:
Also, as a I thought, would some kind of poll be helpful to Android developers on what features we would like to see first/next?
Voice your opinion here -->
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Everett Headley said:
I was just wondering if we could get an update on the progress of the notes feature?
Me too
I hate to grumble, but believe Logos have got too many fingers in too many pies.. at the current time, and now we have the summer recess, where it generally goes quieter on releases till the autumn (historically)
If all android apps share the same codebase, (which we are repeatedly told) then:
1. Why can we only add notes to Faithlife (study-bible) and not to the main software?
2. Why would you release a feature which is has limited functionality
a) Adding to FSB only - need to be able to add to bible
b) need offline adding/editing of notes - online only useless to me in parts of my locality
3. I'm not even gonna mention highlightsDOnt get me wrong I see occasional glimmers of light.. and get tempted to stay loyal, but but no real movement and as I have been holding out for over a year preaching a gospel of patience, but now am about to sadly shake the dust off my feet and reluctantly move to an alternative android product
I hope to come back when things are sorted but saldly cant see it before 2014 at this rate of development
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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DominicM said:
1. Why can we only add notes to Faithlife (study-bible) and not to the main software?
Hi DominicM,
Notes are not supported in the Faithlife Study Bible; Community Notes are supported but they are distinct from Notes which is what I believe Everett was asking about (please correct me if I'm wrong, Everett). Community Notes are a planned feature for future versions of Logos/Android.
DominicM said:2. Why would you release a feature which is has limited functionality
a) Adding to FSB only - need to be able to add to bible
b) need offline adding/editing of notes - online only useless to me in parts of my localityCommunity Notes are not intended to work offline. Similarly, Facebook is not intended to work offline but requires an internet connection to contact the Facebook "community". Offline adding/editing of Notes will be supported in future releases.
DominicM said:3. I'm not even gonna mention highlights
Notes/Highlighting is currently being worked on and I've seen it in test builds. In fact, there is plenty of real movement and the Android team is adding new features with every release but if we're not moving fast enough for you I hope you can find what you are looking for in another Android product. Thanks!
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Kevin Byford said:
Notes/Highlighting is currently being worked on and I've seen it in test builds. In fact, there is plenty of real movement and the Android team is adding new features
Thats great to hear, its proper notes that I want, not community, but presumed you were using same matrix for them
Offline adding off standard notes is essential to most of us.
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have