Android version of latest Logos 4 keeps crashing whenever I try to open it.

I am using a Cricket Huawei. Some of the Beta versions have worked well. Since end of June, I've used latest two releases and both failed to open or work. I continually get this message, "Sorry! The application Logos (process com.logos.androidlogos) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." No matter how many times I try to restart it I get the same error message. Any advise?
I just checked our crash reports and I do see several crashes from what appears to be three unique Cricket branded devices.
Although I'm seeing a few additional similar crashes on a couple of different types of devices the common denominator is that they are running some version of Android 2.1 update 1.
I assume you've tried uninstalling and re installing the app? The problem is occurring during app initialization when it's trying to create or open some underlying database files. It's a very odd crash.
Unfortunately your options are limited at the moment. At this point you could:
1. Install a custom 2.2+ ROM on your phone (Warning! Not for the faint of heart / could brick your phone)
2. Get a new Android phone. Preferably one running Android 2.3+0 -
Thanks for the help, Gabe. Is it possible to install a little older version of Logos which did work fine?