2.0 Beta 1 - FC or Return to Home when viewing resources with markups

I originally posted this in the release thread but it looks like the convention is to post issues into their own threads.
Whenever I attempt to view a Bible section where I know I have highlights and notes the Bible text appears and then continues to load for a while (text from Bible displays and loading icon continues) but eventually kicks the Bible app back to the homepage. After the first attempt I cleared data and cache and tried again and still had the same issue. I've also tested the issue on my phone and on the phone the Bible UI loads the text of the scripture and then as it continues loading eventually FC's the app. Attached are logcat files.
App Info – Bible 2.0 Beta 1
Device Info – Asus TF101 and Motorola Photon
Android Version – Android 4.0 on both.
Log from original install on TF101
Log from TF101 after clearing app data and cache
Log from Photon after install
John, again thanks for the very helpful logs. Does disabling notes avoid the crash?
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Disabling notes does not help. All my notes are in NRSV so on my tablet if I open NLT it works fine so I'm guessing it's related to loading of notes/highlights. On the phone app I cannot even get into settings quickly enough since Bible (Logos) goes to last read place/book and tries to open the same spot.
One UI Suggestion - It would be nice to have a button to return home with you press on the top of the screen (when you get verse selection, font settings, etc.)
Quick question - I know you don't give out timelines but should I be considering reverting back to the released version of Logos or will the next beta release be on a pretty short cycle?
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We're planning on an updated beta today and your issue should be fixed.
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On 2.0 Beta two I can now load the text and the app no longer force closes or returns to home, however highlighting and notes do not appear for me. I've navigated to the right text, with the right translation that has higlights/notes in L4, however none appear in the app. I have also verified that "show notes" is enabled in settings.
Attached is an updated Logcat.