2.0 Beta 2 - Notes/highlights do not display in all Bible Versions

I've noted this issue in a previous B1 thread but since others are reporting similar issues I thought it would be helpful to have one thread for notes/highlights issues.
I have found that my notes appear only in my NLT version but not in ESV and NRSV, although the notes display in all versions on L4 desktop. (See attached screenshots.) It initially appeared that highlighting was not displayed in NLT, however highlights now appear in NLT when viewed in Low Light color scheme. Highlighting (in regular or low light) do not appear at all in the ESV or NRSV versions.
There seems to be some consistency in reports that highlights/notes are displayed in some translations but not in all. It's important to remember that not all notes appear in all versions (only those made to a reference, notes made to a selection are specific to that Bible version.) As indicated here though these notes all display in L4 desktop across versions so I would imagine they would in the Mobile App also.
Maybe if those who have similar issues can post to one thread for highlights/notes it can help find a common cause for the issues.
For what it's worth here is a logcat file. Opened Bible, viewed 1 Timothy 4 in NLT, then NRSV then ESV.