Android Suite 2.0.5 Public Beta Released

The Android team is pleased to announce a new beta release of the 2.0 versions (with improvements to 2.0.4 public beta -- of Bible, Biblia, Vyrso, and FSB Android apps.
If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:
Description – How were you using the app when the crash occurred.
App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Vyrso)
Device Info – (Google Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic)
Android Version – (2.2, 2.3, 3.x, 4.0, 4.1)
To install or upgrade the app choose from one of the below links.
Note: The Logos app has been renamed to Bible.
- Bible 2.0.5 (Build 49) –
- Biblia 2.0.5 (Build 21) –
- Faithlife Study Bible 2.0.5 (Build 23) –
- Vyrso 2.0.5 (Build 38) –
- Enabled support for Notes on Vyrso
- Enabled setup wizard in Faithlife feed on first run
- Updated method of allowing users to add Proclaim Signals contacts, allowing us to remove several permissions (READ_CONTACTS, WRITE_CONTACTS, and GET_ACCOUNTS)
- Improved chances that pressing “retry” in a resource will succeed
- Removed footnotes and subscript from selected text when copying/sharing/etc
- Improved selection action bar to avoid overlap with selection handles
- Increased ease of clicking items in the selection action bar
- Increased ease of setting font size
- Added confirmation prompt when deleting annotations
- Added Spanish localized strings
- Improved various styles
- Slow page turns for users with many notes
- Following a presentation on non-tablets exiting the app
- Settings/About sections overlapping each other
- Maps not rotating correctly in media viewer
- Go section references list appearing blank
- Devotions section list appearing blank
- “Download all” button appearing when offline
- Crash when closing library
- Crash in Go section
- Crash in History section
- Crash when adjusting split-pane size
- Various notes and sync bugs
- Various crashes in autocomplete text boxes
Known issues
- Notes and Highlights cannot be edited (yet)
- Some full-screen tables in the Faithlife Study Bible do not appear correctly
just updated on toshiba notes are not available
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Updated on Kindle Fire. Highlights are working great.
Thanks for the work to make this possible.
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Great news about permissions, everything keeps getting better.
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Great work! Adding highlights and notes now works, but the new notes do not appear in favorites in the app after creation. Also, desktop notes still do not appear. Favorites only show my folders created on my desktop and the Mobile Favorites folder. I have a main folder called Bible Studies with subfolders for different books. Also, when adding notes in the android app, it DOES shows my desktop notes under the Document option, but the only folder that show is Bible Studies and not the bible book folders.
HTC Flyer tablet
HTC One X phone
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Cant get it to download on my kindle fire, is there something special I need to do. I actually got it to download, it wont load afterward.
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ok, I had to uninstall and do a clean install, Great!!!
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Will continue to test the new beta, but I still cannot see the highlighters in anything but low light mode. The underlinings. And things like yellow glow show fine still. Team Logos any idea?
HP TouchPad running CM9
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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Description – Since upgrading to the Build 49 Beta, I no longer see any highlighting (normal or low light)--but application responsiveness is now great.
App Info – Bible
Device Info – Google Nexus 7
Android Version – 4.1P.S. I had the app open for a while (5-10 minutes) during church service this AM. It was just sitting in an open state, with Bible in the foreground (ESV and ESVSB open in split panes that were linked)--and the application crashed on its own, giving me a notice that "Bible" stopped working and had to be closed (I've forgotten the exact error message). It re-opened fine, and I didn't have the problem afterward. I don't think I was running any other apps in the background at the time.
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I did an complete uninstall and reinstalled 2.0.5 and the notes were still not available. so i uninstalled 2.0.5 and reinstalled 2.0.4 and note were once again available. This was happening with Bible, Vysro and Faith Life.
Toshiba thrive .
android 3.2
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Love the latest version. It is working great on both my kindle fire and my samsung galaxy.
I have one feature recommendation for the mobile versions. I would love to see a force sync option. I have taken notes/highlights on my kindle while it was offline and i cant seem to get them synced with my desktop. It happened once but now it isn't working. I'm assuming that i just need to wait but it would be nice to know all your stuff was synced.
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The Apps look better with each build. I have notice with this last build that I am no longer given an option to download any bibles for offline use. Is this a known issue or has something changed with permissions?
Tablet - LePan TC970
Android version - 2.2
App - Bible (build 49)
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Hi Mark
I've just tried it and it works fine for me - either from the library or from the info pane in the Bible itself.
I am running build 49 on an HTC phone running Android 2.3.5
How are you trying to trigger the download - what do you see?
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So far this beta is working great. However, I would like to see the search feature upgraded. It's not functional enough, e.g you can not choose whether to search just the old or new testament, or even just a particular book. That seems so limited to me. Anyways, great update.
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THANK YOU! It took a few minutes to get all my notes and highlights synced on my Samsung SIII, but after that was done, it looked great!
One request: Can you keep the same colors in the "dim" color scheme? My yellow highlights show as pink which is kind of odd.I would expect the highlights should stay the same regardless of color scheme.
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Brian Clarke said:
However, I would like to see the search feature upgraded. It's not functional enough, e.g you can not choose whether to search just the old or new testament, or even just a particular book
Hi Brian
Absolutely agree that this is needed.
The iOS app works in the same way and a number of people have requested that this functionality is provided there.
Hopefully this is something which will get delivered on both
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Go to your settings and click on "Notes/show notes"
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I successfully loaded the Beta onto my HTC Incredible and I can see notes I created on my PC, but some of the notes say: "not available" when I tap on them and some show up as expected. Any ideas?
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Can't find how to get to the home page.