Text Comparison Question

Is there any way to change the versions selected? One of them is the French version by Louis Segond. I don't even own this and I cannot read French so I'm not sure how I got this.
I have the 2.06 update on my Kindle Fire (Amazon is a little slow approving the updates).
My comparison versions seem to match my version I use for comparison on my PC which follow the order of my prioritized Bibles. Do you have Bible prioritized on your Logos 4 (PC or Mac)?
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
I have my bibles prioritized on my PC and the other versions match up on my Kindle. It's the French version that confuses me.
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I double checked and the versions prioritized on my PC are:
NRSV, NASB, NET, ESV, and NIV(84).
They all show up in that order except instead of the NIV I get the French Bible.
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Weird...no more answers from me. I just checked on mine and my text comparison versions match my PC's priorities exactly.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church