Personal notes: great but still have a few problems-Android v 2.0.6 on Kindle Fire

I noticed that all my notes from my PC app now appear on the Kindle Fire android app verson 2.0.6. That's great.
However, if I write a note in the android app, a blank "title" is created on the PC app. I can remove it there by clicking the red "x." Also, on the PC app the note contents does not wrap and cannot be read after the end of the line. ft does wrap properly inside the android app.
My work around right now is to just put a marker for the note in the android app and then write it on the PC app. Then no title is created and it wraps properly.
I do notice that all my PC app note categories appear on the android app. It would be nice if a long press on a note category would produce all my notes' text and bible references on the android for that category.
We have been promised more functionality, but mobile app cannot and should not fully replace desktop
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