Downloading many resources causes sd wierdness

Michael Member Posts: 120 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've had this problem for a while but just recently figured out what was going on.  After downloading several (like 150) resources to my device certain other parts of my phone slow down.  Every time the phone boots up it takes a long time to check for errors on the sd card.  Uninstalling apps also takes a real long time.  It seems to have something to do with the large amount of files that Logos puts on the sd card.  The files only take up 1gb but the number of files is 24,000.  So I guess this isn't really a bug... just waiting longer.  I have seen this to be true on both my galaxy s2, nexus one, and transformer prime.  After removing the files and uninstalling Logos it all goes back to normal.
