Strong's concordance access from bible?

Is Logos currently available in tablet style? Thanks for any info.
Because He lives
Yes, enter "logos bible software" in the app store, or download from pinned post at top of forum
What tablet do you have, there are a couple with current glitches..
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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OK, great! Will ask another question in this post rather than cluttering the forum. How do I access the Strong's concordance while using a bible?
Because He lives
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I was merely trying to have the Strong's linked to my KJV Bible like it is in the desktop version. There must be some way of accessing it from the Bible itself otherwise this
Android version of Logos is yet lacking one of the key features of a Bible study app. Many of the free apps have this feature available now.
Because He lives
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Hi Kevin
Kevin said:I was merely trying to have the Strong's linked to my KJV Bible like it is in the desktop version. There must be some way of accessing it from the Bible
If you "long-press" (press and hold) a word you will get a popup menu.
Choose the "Info" option which will bring up another set of information including the Strong's number (which is not clickable)
Choose the Bible Word Study option and you will get even more information including access to three lexica (which are clickable)
Once the Android app syncs prioritisation details with the desktop (which I don't believe it does at the moment) you should be able to arrange for Strong's to appear in that list and then to click on it for more details.
So there is some capability there but it is not complete at the moment.
Hope this helps
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Great, thanks.
Because He lives
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I know this post is old but I am trying to go from using Olive Tree on my ipad and iphone to using Logos Bible and Logos Faith Life Study Bible. Now in Olive Tree I could just tap a word in my ESV Strongs Bible and it would pull up the Strongs number and Hebrew/Greek word and definitions.
Now is there a way to do that in Logos? And if so how? What resource did you buy and download to access the strongs from within your Bible? I want to use the ESV and still access strongs. Is this possible?