Strange problems when reading "Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians" by Ben Witherington

Throughout this commentary, there are a number of sections entitled "A Closer Look".
These are fine when read on a Windows PC but appear strange when on an iPad. I have seen this on a number of these sections and sometimes when you get to the end of one of these you rejoin the main text at a different point to that expected!
I came across an example of this again today as shown in the four shots below - generated by successive "right swipes"
On the first shot the page numbers at the bottom are shown as 291-310. Clearly this is too long.
The next shows both page numbers increasing.
The text shown on the third shot is actually on page 311 of the resource as opposed to the 294 shown. There should also be text after this as opposed to white space
The fourth shot is what happens if you swipe right again - but it is just shown as blank.
This type of behaviour seems to happen whether the resource is downloaded or not.
Can anyone reproduce this?
Any thoughts as to what could be happening?
Thanks, Graham