Suggestion: Improve ToC on versified resources

First, thanks for making the ToC significantly more usable than it was previously.
I think it could be even more usable for versified resources (e.g. a Bible) when on a larger display device, e.g. an iPad. If I'm in a Bible and hit the ToC icon, the list of books in that Bible appears. Touching one of those books bring up the chapters in that book. Touching a chapter brings up the list of verses.
On my iPad, it would be wonderful if touching the ToC icon brought up the list of books and the list of chapters for the book I currently have open and the list of verses for the chapter I have open. There's definitely enough screen real estate since books/chapters/verses all show at then end of navigating the ToC right now.
This approach would let me change verses in the same chapter with fewer touches or change chapters in the same book with fewer touches. I frequently want to go from near the beginning of a book to near the end of the same book (or vice versa). At present, I have to re-select that book in the ToC to begin that navigation. Showing books/chapters/verses at the same time would make this significantly easier without making navigating to a completely different book any longer (more touches) than it takes now.
I understand it couldn't work this way on smaller screen devices. But it already works differently on those devices.