Storing books on an external SD card (all tablets & phones)

After wading through threads specific to devices, and not getting a hopeful answer, I thought it wise to start a general thread about this topic.
I have a smart phone running Ice Cream Sandwich that has minimal internal storage, but I've equipped it with a 32GB SD Micro card. I realize earlier versions of Android did not support SD writing, and it was still buggy in Honeycomb... but with Ice Cream Sandwich (and now Jelly Bean), I feel it is quite important to allow for the relocation of a downloaded library to the expandable external storage.
If I am off base and have missed a solution, I apologize. I found a number of threads that diminished into discussing specifics of devices, when this is largely an issue of the OS version abilities, and the app its self. I just want to focus on hopefully finding a solution, or getting the attention of the developers to implement this capability.
the books are already written to the external storage, infact no External storage and Bible will not run..
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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Some devices map the minimal interal storage to the normal external mount point which can cause issues if you want to have multiple books stored.