Individual Screen Freezing in Split Screen on IPAD
What am I doing wrong? I open a Bible and a commentary on the IPad and put in a split screen. When I touch one side, say the Bible side, the other side (the commentary side) turns gray and freezes. I can't turn pages and I can't get that screen activated again no matter where I tap or rub or swipe. So what I have to do is go back Bible side (which is still active) and open the commentary there. This reactivates both screens and then I open the Bible where the original commentary was. Of course, this solution only lasts until the next swipe....
Please help, it is making by IPad virtually useless.
What am I doing wrong?
Hi Steve
I can't reproduce this.
It sounds a little like what you see on the screen after pressing the icon at the top left of the screen when in reading mode. But that has extra information in the left-most column as shown below.
- Does this happen with all Bible / commentary pairs or just some?
- Can you give an example of a couple of books where this does happen?
- Do you have the panels synched or not?
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I have had this happen several times as well. The most recent occurrence happened while reading the NIV and the Pillar NT Commentary on John by DA Carson