BUG: Create Event: Doesn't Work

Jacob Hantla
Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,872
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Here is a video of me trying to create an event for my smallgroup. Note how I make the event for Oct 1st at 6:00 pm and then it says that it is created for Oct 2nd at 1:00 am. Also, that event does not appear at all on my calendar (nothing is on my calendar). 

Do the event creation and calendar function work at all? My smallgroup coleaders and I were planning on putting our calendar on there so our smallgroup would have a single place to look (and also begin using faithlife regularly). We obviously abandoned that plan for now.

You can watch the video of the problem at: http://screencast.com/t/tWNgFkmd

Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church



  • Richard Kiene
    Richard Kiene Member, Logos Employee Posts: 113

    We are aware of this issue and should have a fix deployed this coming Monday or Tuesday. I will let you know as soon as the fix is live so you can start using events for your small group.

    Thanks for helping make Faithlife better!


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,069

    We are aware of this issue and should have a fix deployed this coming Monday or Tuesday.

    What I found: There may be several issues.

    The New event function actually creates a unique url with the name of the event (which must be unique, too) and the number 1 attached. The url seems to be customizable. I dont know if this design is smart, since I can imagine many people wanting to name their bible study group event "bible study" or "bible study group..." - This might frustrate some users. It seems someone thought about creating unique URLs and programmed an added 1 (and maybe even a lookup, if 1 is taken just iterate, which is fine) but someone else imposed unique names (maybe thinking that one indiviual may be invited to "bible study" by multiple groups?) and rendered this a bit useless. However, generating an event works, editing it works as well and posting News works on the entry level. I haven't tested invitations at all. S

    Some serious bugs:

    • The time is wrong - I used Oct 3, 5 p.m and the calendar entry now reads 3 p.m. This keeps wrog even if one edits an existing calendar entry. I'd hope you fix this and assign a timezone selection as well
    • The calendar entry doesn't show in my Calendar
    • When I post a News to this calendar entry, it appears in My Faithlife, but the link to the calendar entry is wrong, since it misses "event" in the URL 

    Hope you resolve all of these next week!

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,872

    NB.Mick said:

    Hope you resolve all of these next week!

    Me too. Thanks for working on this. I would love to use faithlife to help our smallgroup and to help introduce many in our smallgroup to digital Bible study using Logos and Faithlife. 

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • Richard Kiene
    Richard Kiene Member, Logos Employee Posts: 113

    I just deployed code which addresses most of the issues you've mentioned. We should have another update on Wednesday. Please give it a try and thanks for helping make the site better!


  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,872

    Works much better. Here is a video of me creating an event. You can see about 1:20ish that it appears on my personal calendar but not on the calendar for the group which I invited. I would expect that an event for which I invited a whole group would function like a group event and be added to the group calendar.

    Is there a better way to do group events like this? 


    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,872

    Is there a better way to do group events like this? 

    I think I answered my own question when I found the "New Calendar Item" button within a group calendar. This works...it wasn't intuitive. I would recommend that ability to set a "New Event" as a "New Calendar Item" or even make that a default (unless some people from a group were excluded in an invite) since most events will be for an entire group. Maybe I'm wrong...but that was the way I thought that the event was going to function.

    Oddly, the calendar item that I made right before this video was for October 1st and it shows up on the September calendar. But I was able to quickly and easily create the calendar item for our small group.


    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,069

    I just deployed code which addresses most of the issues you've mentioned. We should have another update on Wednesday. Please give it a try and thanks for helping make the site better!


    As I can see, the date & time now is correct (no time-zone yet) and the event shows in my calendar. Same goes for group calendar entries. Cool idea to download ics files (haven't tried import into my real calendar, though)!

    Still, there seems to be no way of clicking the event/cal entry and the url of News is still wrong - but one needs the url to see details, post to or edit the event, invite others etc.

    Re inviting: it seems, invites to external mail adresses don't work, but there's no error message or so, which misleads the invitor to thinking the mail went out ( a hint could be that "unknown" doesn't increment). Such functionality should be stabile or at least inform if they don't work.

    So far: Good job!

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile