Copying from iPad to Text

When I copy from NKJV it does a straight copy of the text which includes the reference numbers and letters. So I get something like: "pFor Fod so loved the world that He gave His only begotten qSon..." and so forth. Do you know if there is:
A. Any way to remove the references from view so that copying would be easier.
B. Copy without the reference letters or numbers.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have not copied lately, but I've had the same problem in the past.
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Stave –
Your best bet is to use the "share" feature. Select your passage and instead of using "copy," use the "share" button. Select "email." This will provide you text that you can copy and paste without the artifacts.
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Okay, thanks! Perhaps Logos will eventually put a copy feature into the share area? That would be great.