Post tribulational pbb's /group?

I am saddened by the amount of content that is available with a post- trib eschatalogical perspective so, I am trying to put a group together that can help me put out more post-tribulational pbb's. If anyone one is interested please email me. My email is on my profile page.
I also started a group, it may be easier to do things through faithlife, that is if anyone is interested of course. I know the files section here is where most people have been uploading pbb's, so I am not sure which is the best route.
Hi Blair
Not sure if this is the way to go as it only causes division between folks who genuinely believe the position they adopt on Last Things. I've seen this cause tremendous rifts in fellowship between believers over the years. I would respectfully suggest you drop the idea for the sake of the unity of the Body of Christ.
Kind regards
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Gerald Rodgers said:
Not sure if this is the way to go as it only causes division between folks who genuinely believe the position they adopt on Last Things. I've seen this cause tremendous rifts in fellowship between believers over the years. I would respectfully suggest you drop the idea for the sake of the unity of the Body of Christ.
I can understand that the topic of eschatology is a difficult one (but so are justification, baptism, ekklesiology, the nature of the sacraments, the role of women in ministry and a dozen more). However, our Logos libraries will inevitably contain material from diverging points of view on a number of these issues.
It is not fuelling division - that's what I think - to have ressources which explain a difficult position from the view of their adherents. This may not even fuel discussion on the forums or elsewhere, but simply allow those interested to research the topic in high quality. The proposal did not ask people to convert to post-trib eschatology, just to gather material.
Thus I rather commend the use of Faithlife to do so.
my 2c
Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:
I can understand that the topic of eschatology is a difficult one (but so are justification, baptism, ekklesiology, the nature of the sacraments, the role of women in ministry and a dozen more). However, our Logos libraries will inevitably contain material from diverging points of view on a number of these issues.
It is not fuelling division - that's what I think - to have ressources which explain a difficult position from the view of their adherents. This may not even fuel discussion on the forums or elsewhere, but simply allow those interested to research the topic in high quality. The proposal did not ask people to convert to post-trib eschatology, just to gather material.
Thus I rather commend the use of Faithlife to do so.
[Y]While I do not hold to a post/pre tribulation, I do believe that it is good to have resources from as many different positions as possible.
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Hi Mick
Thanks for your response. I have no problem with folks using resources to explore their eschatology. My problem was setting up a forum to further a particular point of view. These usually lead to division as you'll find another forum being set up for this position or that position on last things and you can guess the result. I'm from N Ireland & perhaps it's different over here but the number of broken friendships & split churches of one kind or another that have resulted from hard line positions being adopted on eschatology. Hope this clarifies the issue. Gerald
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This is admittedly getting off topic, but does setting up the groups CAUSE the disunity, or does it just EXHIBIT the disunity with which we are sadly afflicted. Personally, I would say the later. Clearly stating our views and reasons for them is the bumpy road, but only road in my experience to any kind of constructive engagement.
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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Gerald Rodgers said:
I would respectfully suggest you drop the idea for the sake of the unity of the Body of Christ.
My goodness, has it come to this?
For one thing, he is not starting a church. How is he dividing the Body of Christ? He is just wanting to make more resources from the post trib view available - a view well within the mainstream of orthodox and historic Christianity. There is an abundance of pre-trib rapture material available, but not so much from this view. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the particular view, I would think the availability of such material would be an asset.
I am Wesleyan, but my feelings are not hurt because there are those promoting Calvinist material. Same goes for those promoting Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic, Anabaptist, or whatever resources. In fact, I would have to be mighty insecure to upset by it.
I would respectfully suggest that you not be so sensitive.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0