IOS vs Android

I currently use the logos program on my macbook pro and my iphone, I was looking into getting a tablet and I'm torn between a Kindle Fire HD 7" and the new IPAD. I'm looking for some feedback on the following..
1. Does one or the other have less eye fatigue when reading?
2. I want to use the tablet primarily for Logos, are both apps for IOS and Android the same, are there some drawbacks to one or the other, advantages?
3. Overall preference, I like the small size of the Kindle Fire but it would be harder to type b/c of the keyboard, any opinions?
4. Would there be any other type of tablet that would be a better fit for me?
Thank you in advance for any feedback.
Bryan Hubel said:
Does one or the other have less eye fatigue when reading?
I don't know how the Kindle's "HD" compares with the iPad, but certainly the added size of the iPad would help with eye strain.
Bryan Hubel said:I want to use the tablet primarily for Logos, are both apps for IOS and Android the same, are there some drawbacks to one or the other, advantages?
The iOS app is further developed, although the Android is catching up. I don't know if Android will always play "catch up" or not.
Bryan Hubel said:Overall preference, I like the small size of the Kindle Fire but it would be harder to type b/c of the keyboard, any opinions?
Personally, if "small size" and "ultra portability" were an issue… just use your smart phone! I reserve the right to change my mind after I play with the iPad mini. [:D]
Bryan Hubel said:Would there be any other type of tablet that would be a better fit for me?
I am a Mac Addict, and love how all of the devices work together… Putting my loyalty to apple aside, the iOS platform is much larger and homogenous than Andriod. I know that you say that you want this device "primarily for Logos," and that is fine, but it would be a waste not to discover other good uses for the device as well. The iOS App Store is the largest, most developed of any platform.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
iPad is better [;)]
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Okay, now that I got my bad joke out of the way, to answer your questions from my perspective as a user of both platforms:
The best thing you'll get out of the Kindle Fire is the price. It beats the iPad mini, if you want to compare it to that, but I think you'd like the full iPad more. The larger size of the iPad is going to give your eyes a fighting chance. If you intend on typing anything of substance, no matter what tablet you get, I would recommend a bluetooth keyboard. Otherwise the large on-screen keyboard on the iPad is nice, but Swype for Android is even better (don't know if it works with KF HD, however).
I think you'll be happy with Logos on any tablet, especially as they continue to refine the app on both platforms. It used to be that the iOS version was way better, but now I'm finding the Android app doing all the things I do on the iPad. There are still features I want for both, but you'll be in a good place with Logos on the iPad.
I got the iPad because of the ecosystem surrounding it. I feel like the apps integrate nicely. With Dropbox and PDF Expert and Logos, you can use your tablet for pretty much everything you would want: ad hoc Bible research, use during Bible Study or for preaching, streaming the Olympics live...
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Bryan Hubel said:
I currently use the logos program on my macbook pro and my iphone, I was looking into getting a tablet and I'm torn between a Kindle Fire HD 7" and the new IPAD. I'm looking for some feedback on the following..
1. Does one or the other have less eye fatigue when reading?
2. I want to use the tablet primarily for Logos, are both apps for IOS and Android the same, are there some drawbacks to one or the other, advantages?
3. Overall preference, I like the small size of the Kindle Fire but it would be harder to type b/c of the keyboard, any opinions?
4. Would there be any other type of tablet that would be a better fit for me?
Thank you in advance for any feedback.
Hi Bryan. Were I to go for a 7-inch tablet, I suspect I would buy a Google Nexus 7 simply because of there being a wider variety of other apps.
I did consider the Nexus 7 but ended up with a refurbished 3rd gen. 32GB iPad for $469. It has the regular Apple warranty and is "as new." Alabama did the same with the 16GB version, if I recall correctly.
Frankly, I enjoy the greater screen real estate for Logos on the larger iPad over a 7". And, though I'm a Windows user (have been for some 25 years), I appreciate the variety of tablet-ready apps that iOS has as opposed to Android or Amazon's modified Android.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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I use the iPad 3 with the Retuna display and LOVE it!! The keyboard can split on the iPad (not sure about Android), and I do extensive note taking and highlighting on the device. Keep in mind, you may want to run in "split screen" (I do as a default), and the screen real estate really helps. As for eye strain, I read between 4-5 hours a day right now and have no problems at all. I did have some problems without the retina display. The text on the retina is super crisp. Hope this helps.
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Retina Display would definitely improve reading and make text clearer. I don't have an iPad yet, but I'm definitely getting one with a Retina Display when I do (probably next year). I can't wait to read all my Logos books on it.
Nathan Parker
Visit my blog at
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Nathan Parker said:
Retina Display would definitely improve reading and make text clearer. I don't have an iPad yet, but I'm definitely getting one with a Retina Display when I do (probably next year). I can't wait to read all my Logos books on it.
In addition, smaller text can be more easily read than can pixelated test. I had put off getting a tablet, iOS and the Android, since the iPad's originally came out. This special reduction on 3rd gen.refurb iPads made it hard to say "no." Just hope it doesn't mind hanging out with my Windows 7 Lenovo ThinkPad T500. [:)]
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC