What I want for Christmas (or shortly thereafter is OK)

Dear Santa Bob,
I love L4 and I have the iPhone app. There are some things I would like for Christmas. I have been a good boy (OKAY, that is relative).
Say I have the ESV open in read (we're talking iPhone now). Then I go look in the library or bookshelf at something. As I am scrolling, the TOUCH is so sensitive, that SCROLL easily turns into SELECT! I did not mean to select "Amplified Bible" (just an example), but now it is in my reading frame. Now I have to go back, reselect the ESV and continue.
1. Not sure what I am asking here - it would be nice, to not so easily select, as I am scrolling. As I scroll through the library to the end of the books, I can easily select different books a half dozen times. Maybe require a "double click" to actually select.
2. When I do goober and load a new book right over my current one, it would be nice to have a GO BACK button, to undo my unintentional replacement of reading material.
3. I would sure like to "clean out" my bookshelf, since any of those books I UNINTENTIONALLY opened all seem to show up there. Ideally, just one click to delete a book from the bookshelf. Of course, it is not deleted from the library; just the bookshelf.
4. I would like to be able to "mark" the page I am on. It is all fine and good, to come to the previous place I was reading, but again, if I go into "contents" to look ahead and I see something I want to just look at, now I have lost my original place again. I would sure like to be able to go back to where I was.
If you or one of your staff is familiar with Kindle, it would be like when you click once on the screen and the menu at the bottom comes up. Then you click on the book and the cover/table of contents/beginning/location comes up. Just below that, there is the notes and highlights. they show the location page of all those. So if I get lost, I can go to the page I was on.
HINT: I "bend over" the corner of my kindle page (you click the upper right corner once) and then it is identified in the list of "notes and highlights".
So even if you could not provide highlighting and notes right away, it would be nice to MARK my page somehow, so I could return to it, especially when I have made an oops.