Save Reading Location on iPhone

Toby Hinshaw
Toby Hinshaw Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I can't seem to consistently get a resource to open in the same place where I left off reading.

Example...reading in The Confessions of St. Augustine and quite. When I come back, I have to find the location I was at to begin reading again.

Reading in The Handbook of Bible Study and quite...when I restart the application and open the book, I have to find my location again.

IF I am reading in The Handbook of Bible Study and then open The Confessions of St. Augustine...then switch back to The Handbook of Bible Study it DOES remember my location for the Handbook of Bible Study (YAY) but from within the application I switch back to The Confessions of St. Augustine, it doesn't remember my location.

I just can't seem to find a pattern to predict if/when the app will remember the last location I was reading when I reopen or switch between sources.

Is there a way to "bookmark" while reading on the iPhone?



  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,418 ✭✭✭

    In theory there is. If you are reading something and want to "bookmark" it do a swiping motion from the bottom of the screen to the top.   A menu appears and  one of the options is to add to favorites.

    In the desktop app it should be there when  open Tools Favorites. However, it is not syncing for me. It might just be because I'm using the latest beta and not the stable release build sr7 of the desktop app.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Jason
    Jason Member Posts: 104 ✭✭

    Toby - I'm seeing the same behavior that you are: it's usually a few pages behind where I left off. It could be that it's synching at a schedule, so if I close the app before that happened, then it's a few minutes behind.  Not sure what the fix is (though I did just install the recent update to the app).

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  • Dave Dunkin (Logos)
    Dave Dunkin (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,043

    Jason Kuo said:

    it's usually a few pages behind where I left off. It could be that it's synching at a schedule

    Is there a particular resource you notice this with or is it all resources?

  • Dan Sheppard
    Dan Sheppard Member Posts: 377 ✭✭

    Okay, here is what I am finding out.  I start with my iPhone app.

    I opened a book, any book.  This one is "Growing Your Church Through Evangelism".  I looked in the CONTENTS and went to Section 1, Part 1, Chapter 3.  Where it  took me, was two screens BEFORE that chapter number (in this case, #3).

    About 4 iPhone screens forward, I see the heading of "Postmodern Pathology".  That is where I will stop.

    OPEN Logos 4.

    There are TWO "Growing Your Church Through Evangelism" listed.  Same book, twice.  Opening one, it goes to the title page, not chapter 3.  Trying the second one, it goes to the title page, too.

    So in Logos 4, I went to what is referred to as page 223, Part 6 Target.  The title is #24 Ministry to Newcomers.  I drew a colored box around a few letters, just to watch.

    GO BACK to the iPhone.  I closed out the app, so now I will go into it again.

    It was on the screen before the "Postmodern Pathology"!  It did not even recognize my efforts in Logos 4.

    Anybody else get this same result with this resource?