Logos on Nook Simple Touch

I am looking at buying a simple touch and rooting it because of the advantage of reading my Logos library on an e-ink screen.
So I was wondering (after trying to do some research) does the app work at this moment? And, could I sync from my desktop my highlights?
Thanks for reading and the help!
There are plenty of threads on the Nook device e.g.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I tried the same thing and it wouldn't work. Can't find it in the app store on the rooted nook so I tried to side load it from dropbox and still no success. Is there a particular build that you must use to make it work? I was using the most recent build.
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I don't have a Nook but you can search for the Nook threads in Google or Bing with:-
nook site:community.logos.com
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Great, thanks! Look like Build 43 is the only one that works with the nook, and there was no highlighting in that version.
One more question: Any where I can find the 43 apk?
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Search for "1.1.3" or "Build 43" as above. A user has made it available on a web site but i can't remember the thread.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Were you able to find the 43 apk and did it work with your rooted nook, I'm planning on doing the same thing.
many thanks
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Hey there,
Were you able to find the 43 apk and did it work with your rooted nook, I'm planning on doing the same thing.
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You can find it here! And it does work! Although with the older version it doesn't support highlighting and not all of your books and bibles will work on the app (for instance I can't get ESV or NASB or some commentary sets to load)
http://community.logos.com/forums/p/53921/410124.aspx0 -
Hey Ryan,
Thanks for the quick response. I've got the 43 apk, are there a lot of resources that don't work? If I downloaded resources from my library using the 1.1.3 - so updated current resources from my logos 5 library - will they work on this version? I've seen some threads that say new resources are incompatible - just wondering if its worth it if a lot of resources are not available. Other option is to get a Sony PRS-T2 which runs Android 2.2 but its about twice the price.
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John Southwick said:
If I downloaded resources from my library using the 1.1.3 - so updated current resources from my logos 5 library - will they work on this version?
It is possible that there are incompatibilities because you are running an older version of the app on an older version of Android, but be aware that some resources are not available anyway because of publisher restrictions.
John Southwick said:Other option is to get a Sony PRS-T2 which runs Android 2.2
That version is on the edge of compatibility; 2.3 and higher is better for the long term.
===Windows 11 & Android 13