BUG: Search not working when question mark included



  • Angela Murashov
    Angela Murashov Member Posts: 1,532 ✭✭✭

    "it?" would now match just "it" (fixing the bug)

    This will be fixed in 5.2 Beta 2. 

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,037

    That will have consequences for when it is really wanted/intended.

    We considered the implication of making "it?" now match "it" and decided that the actual use cases for a wildcard at the end of a word are rare, and that there is a workaround for advanced users who know what wildcard searching is (e.g., it? NOTEQUALS [nostem] it).

    In most cases, the prefix of a search term before the question mark doesn't actually form a new word; for example, the search "baptis?" is unaffected, because "baptis" isn't a separate word, so it won't hurt to attempt to match it.

    When picked up from selected text in a resource it should be parsed for question mark and discarded.

    The most common queries that contain question marks are (in order, according to our analytics)

    • Questions, such as: How did Zechariah die?
    • Morph queries (these don't really count as containing question marks internally, but do show a question mark in the UI)
    • Selected text from resources, such as: Who do they say that I am?
    • Typos/invalid queries, e.g., ? millenium
    • Actual wildcard queries

    It wouldn't be sufficient to just strip question marks from selected text in resources that is sent to the search panel. Questions are typed in directly, or text is copied and pasted from web pages, etc.

    This change fixes scenarios #1 and #3 above, while making #5 a little less convenient.