Windows Phone 8 App



  • Genghis
    Genghis Member Posts: 232 ✭✭

    We're not currently developing a Windows Phone app, but are still watching changes in its market share.

    Windows Phone Market share is making inroads in Europe, this raises our hopes:  3.6% Market share in the US with a population of some 320 million compared to over 10% market share in Europe with a population of 739 million.  OTOH, Logos' user base is probably mostly in the US. 

  • He Is Lord!
    He Is Lord! Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I have just switched from an Android phone to a Windows Phone and the Windows Phone is far superior to the Android.  Logos please stop debating before you wait yourself out of the market.  I agree with many others on this thread.  You are already committed to the Windows platform stop procrastinating and get a move on, please.

  • Brett Hoyle
    Brett Hoyle Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Logos, please hurry and release an app for windows phone

  • Mark Underwood
    Mark Underwood Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I would love to see an app for Windows phones as well. I'm ready to switch over to a Nokia 1520 but I can't make the move without Logos.

  • Ps3
    Ps3 Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    Hi guys, does anyone know what's going on with this issue?  This post is almost a year old and I sure hope we're not still hearing the same ole things.  Our church is Windows based and we run Windows 8.1 on all of our systems.  We are also in the process of moving to Surface Tablets and other Windows 8 based technology.  This includes Nokia phones and Samsung & Lenovo systems.  Many of our congregants are also using these products as well as Blackberry phones (yes they're still around) and are asking for a solution that works for them.  Unfortunately, if Logos doesn't come up with a solution that meets a more diverse technology group we will have to pursue other options.  It seems that Logos is more interested in the Apple world then the Windows world. All it it takes is to make these same Google & Apple apps to work in Windows 8 and they would satisfy nearly every modern windows device.  We would be able to use these apps on our desktop computers, our tablets, our phones, and yes even on our TV's.  Just because Logos could see beyond a phone app and realize this is bigger than phones.  Windows 8 apps work on 'everything' windows 8.  How much 'market share' does Microsoft have across all of these platforms?

    I'm also needing more from the Vyrso App which doesn't respond to touch zoom for some reason.  That's bazaar since it was designed with tablets in mind. At least that's the impression I get from what's been written about it.

    So, what's going on Logos?  Time to break out and stop drinking the cool-aid.  Smilies

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  • Joe Gschwandtner
    Joe Gschwandtner Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    Well, it's not 100% write once, run anywhere yet, but there is a lot of overlap now, and more coming. Logos will know how much needed functionality falls into the realm that still differs between Windows 8 Store apps and Windows Phone 8 apps. Nonetheless, this doesn't seem like a hurdle too hard to cross if the flesh is willing ;-)

  • Ps3
    Ps3 Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    Yes Joe, I agree.  I don't think it's that much of a difference to cast off the whole idea.  Making the necessary tweaks to bridge the gap certainly is worth it considering the overall benefit of having the ability to give all Windows 8 users access to Logos software with just a reasonable amount of tweaking.  The benefit would be huge to Phone & RT users.  Once it works in RT the majority of windows 8 users would also benefit.  But like you said and I do agree "If the flesh is willing". Smilies

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  • Madagoo
    Madagoo Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    Personally, I think Logos is now without excuse. This subject is now over 1year old Which in anyone's consideration is poor customer support not characteristic of them, but now damaging their good reputation.

    if anyone from the Logos team is reading this, you should escalate this to you VP or board of directors.

  • Thomas Winter
    Thomas Winter Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    I understood the reason for not working on the WP7 OS, as WP8 was going to be different from the ground up. But (as I understand it) the coding for WP8 apps is much more compatible with what is done with Android or iOS, and should make it easier to at least start with a ported app from one of those.

    Like the rest of you, I've invested a good deal of money in my Logos library, and I'm disappointed that I have had to invest again in another product to use on my Windows phone.  Logos should at least get its feet wet with the flashcard app.  It might be worth it to ask Microsoft to help fund the full app development, since they want to close the app gap, and Logos users are the most invested Bible app users in the marketplace. But this simply needs to happen.  If somebody on the Logos team actually used a current Windows phone, I think they would understand the loyalty to that product and why it is growing.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Madagoo said:

    if anyone from the Logos team is reading this, you should escalate this to you VP or board of directors.

    Bob Pritchett, CEO, recently posted his thoughts on Windows Phone here: 

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    It's getting quite interesting isn't it. my household is now exclusively Nokia Lumia Windows Phones. My wife loves her Surface tablet and couldn't be bothered with the miserable excuse for an app that Logos has on that platform. It's not just Logos that has to invest in apps for different platforms. As a group, LOGOS users may well have the largest investment of any other brand app. LOGOS needs to respect that investment by supporting Microsoft a fine American company whose mobile platforms are increasing market share Q on Q around the world if not in America. I have had to purchase a Nexus 7 just to get Logos into my pocket. Wake up people. You have had long enough now to get this anomaly sorted.

  • Genghis
    Genghis Member Posts: 232 ✭✭

    My household is exclusively Windows Phone as well.  On top of that my my in-laws (both over 70 years of age) and a niece have all bought Lumias too. 

    I see that Windows Phone is slowly clawing its way to a bigger market share (5.3% market share) up from around 4 a year ago (see  

  • Joe Gschwandtner
    Joe Gschwandtner Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    "In addition to unveiling its intelligent voice assistant planned for Windows Phone 8.1 and announcing the Windows 8.1 update, Microsoft's top executives talked of progress towards unifying its operating system across PCs, tablets, phones and its Xbox gaming platform. [...] Underscoring the progress Microsoft has made toward that effort, Microsoft's new CEO Satya Nadella said that 90 percent of its APIs are now common and this should remove some of the barriers to developing for the various system types. " Redmond Magazine,

    Naturally, 10% remainder could be a lot of code for Logos to have to adjust to release on both platforms, and the existing code base is quite possibly not written to take advantage of some of those new APIs yet. On the other hand, not every app available for Windows 8 is a perfect candidate for Windows Phone 8, or vice versa. There's a reason we carry different size screens.

  • Mark Groen
    Mark Groen Member Posts: 27 ✭✭

    Thank you for posting this.  I came here to post something to this effect.

  • Ps3
    Ps3 Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    Yes, I agree and also wanted to post similar info.  I would also add that Microsoft is actually ahead of its time on this concept and once these transitions are more widely accepted we will see thus really take off and other companies like Apple will begin to follow Microsoft lead.   I think there's more to this story in regards to Logos and the "Market Share" argument and I don't fully buy into it.  Right now Logos has developed the book reader Vyrso app for windows store and it is in general inferior to most every other book reader and certainly everything else Logos produces.  It is not optimized for touch and doesn't even size utilizing standard zoom features among other basic reader functions. Based on usage of Logos products over the years it seems to me that Logos has shifted from being "Platform Neutral" to prioritizing Apple products.  Even though Apple only has 13% of the 'Market Share' these days in the phone world while Google has over 80% the quality of Logos products balance is still in Apples favor.  If Logos is merely concerned about market share then what we see coming from Logos would/should reflect that.  Over the past year Windows Phone has increased in market share from about 2% to now just over 4% nearly doubling in the past year and has been trending upward since the release of Windows 8. ( ).  The funny thing is that Apple is trending downward and has lost 2% down from about 15%.  But by the way Logos promotes Apple products you'd think Apple had the majority share.  The days of Windows CE are long gone just like pretty much all of the products from that era. Even Microsoft discontinuance of the Zune was wise since the days of MP3 players is pretty much obsolete and Microsoft's lack of 'market share' caused them to shift to the Phone world and now a 'unified' operating system across platforms.  As the old adage goes... 'build it... they will come'.  Even the windows app store is increasing daily by developers who have 'caught the vision' and soon like Google, Microsoft's app store will be plentiful.  Right now Logos makes programs to run in OSX and iOS with little/no questions asked. The fact that windows 8 has sold over 200 million licenses ought to be enough to put a quality app in the Windows Store.  But like I said, there's more to this story then just 'market share' and we'll just have to wait to see where Logos really is on this. 

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  • Yves Gerber
    Yves Gerber Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    As a web and software developer, myself, I would love it if Logos isn't interested in making a Windows Phone app, then can they at least make Web Services available to the general public (similar to Amazon and Google) so that WE can make the app ourselves?

    Doing this protects Logos' proprietary code and take the responsibility off of their shoulders for the functionality of the app. Logos' method could require log-in authentication and at least allow access to users' libraries. If Logos could also create a web service method that allows the word study tool, that'd be a nice bonus, too. But for me, simply having access to my Logos resources when I don't have my Android tablet/PC around me can be beneficial.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    But for me, simply having access to my Logos resources when I don't have my Android tablet/PC around me can be beneficial.

    I know its not the same as building an app with web services but are you aware you can access most of your resources at either or

  • Genghis
    Genghis Member Posts: 232 ✭✭
    You're right, online access to one's resources is provided by Biblia. Therefore the principal purpose of a WP app should be to afford offline access to a user's library or at least a subset of it.
  • OCGF1
    OCGF1 Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    Yes, I agree.  Vyrso really should also be a good option but it is lacking in some of the basics as has been pointed out.  Offline access is key even if you have to download to the device as needed.  I believe that is how it's already set up to work.  With a bit of tweaking Vyrso could be what we're looking for since its already available in the windows store.  It's just in need of some help at the moment.  This seems like a viable option with possibilities. [;)]

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  • Diego Lara
    Diego Lara Member Posts: 70 ✭✭

    My household is Windows Phone 8 also besides my sister who is due for an update and I will be getting her a Lumia for sure. My Girdfriend and her daughter are also on Lumia's now. Logo's needs to wake up to reality and recognize that Windows Phone  is here to stay and market share will continue to increase. 

  • Victor
    Victor Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I never usually post on any forum, but I feel strongly about this subject.  I've had  3 Blackberries and two Samsung Androids and they were semi-useful devices, but often frustrating devices.  I love my Nokia Windows 8 phone.  It's fast, intuitive, synch with the rest of my windows devices.  I am disappointed that we still don't have a Logos App.  Please.... 


  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭
  • Terry Roberts
    Terry Roberts Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    There's only one thing keeping me from rushing out and getting my own Nokia Icon. Since public release of new/updated OS's is usually accompanied by the release of now handsets, I'm hoping the latest Windows Phone handset will have a microsd slot included.

  • Ps3
    Ps3 Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    I definitely plan on getting either this device or the Nokia Lumina 1520.  Both are awesome phones.  I know two ip.. users that have jumped ship to W8 devices and have shared their glee with these new devices.  Once my contract is up I to will be joining the Nokia/Windows Phone family.

    There's no need to worry about an internal memory card on the Icon because it has 32gb of memory.  The 1520 does have the memory card and I believe it will take at least a 64gb card and possibly the new 128's.

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  • Terry Roberts
    Terry Roberts Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Since I am grandfathered with unlimited data, I am "stuck"with Verizon. (plus the availability of reliable coverge when I travel to the other island).  I will be going with the Icon.  It IS a great phone. But there is no such thing as too much storage (or memory for that matter either).  The apps or lack thereof at the Windows Store doesn't really effect me (except for no Logos of course).

    But Microsoft and Windowsphone are hampering their growth by making the devices exclusive. I realize the carriers are largely driving that.Hopefuuly we'll see both the Icon and 1520 available on other carriers soon.

  • ETMoore
    ETMoore Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Genghis said:

    ETMoore said:

    BTW, the camera on the 1020 is outstanding; easily as good or better than a high quality point and shoot (and much more pocketable).

    I've read that there's a bit of a lag between snaps which has made me hesitate.  Is it that bad?

    Sorry for the delayed response. There is a noticeable lag. Processing the images from the 41MP image sensor takes a bit of time. Nokia wasn't able to add a second processor to offload some of that activity as I believe they were able to do with the Symbian version of this phone (808 Pureview). I've seen rumors that the next version of this phone which will have the 8.1 update will be much faster.

    However, I've seen plenty of folks who think the photos from the 20 MP camera on the Lumia 1520 (the phablet) and the 930 (Icon on Verizon) take pictures that are just as good (though obviously not as large).

  • Joe Gschwandtner
    Joe Gschwandtner Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    Lots of activity on this post in the last weeks. Logos, we know you're aware of what's being discussed on the forums. Can you give us an update on your response to the obvious increase in demand for a Windows Phone app?

    On the 1020, the lag is probably the auto focus and exposure evaluation, which happens with most cameras. You could presumably turn off some of the auto features and make it faster, though it usually takes the photo quite quickly regardless (< 1 sec.). App start up time is a few seconds, but that's a one-time cost. The sensor size matters after the photo is taken, and the processing does render the camera unavailable for a few seconds, in my experience. If you wanted to take more rapid photos, there's a Nokia app for that, or you could use the original Windows Phone app, which is also quicker (but captures a 5 MB image only I believe). Note that the actual photo taking may seem to take a little while because the sensor is mounted on balls (reducing blurring due to shaking hands) and Nokia leaves the lens open longer (if needed) for better low-light sensitivity. Once the screen blacks out, it's taking the photo.

  • Joe Gschwandtner
    Joe Gschwandtner Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    If Logos won't do it...

    I'm not really that eager for a "try-to-do-everything" Windows Phone app. I use Logos on my Surface Pro, and what would really help me on Windows Phone would be certain helper apps. For instance, a way to quickly add a prayer request to my prayer list, or to quickly take down a quote in a note file or pull up existing notes. Also, porting the Windows 8 app that allows the reading of my resources would be a nice start.

    Since I'm especially interested in notes and prayer lists: is there a web service that can expose the data for either one for a particular user (providing credentials, of course) that would allow to display all prayer requests/notes, grouped by note file, and allows add/modify/delete? If that exists, would Logos have any problems with a third-party app written against such a web service? That way, Logos doesn't have to make the business case, and we can get our apps...

  • Judicaël MARQUES
    Judicaël MARQUES Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Please !

    I could pay to have at least some of my favorite translations readable offline ...

    It's not fair for us !...


  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    Let's hope that universal apps will be a catalyst. With one app needing only interface changes to run on Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, maybe that will be enough of a market boost to help them reconsider. [:D]