Running the Android App on Blackberry Z10

David S. Daniels
David S. Daniels Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Can anyone tell me if the Logos5 Android App can be run on a Blackberry Z10? I'm ready to purchase a new phone (my 1st choice is the Blackberry Z10) and I've heard that there is an app for Blackberry 10 that will enable me to run Android apps. If so, has anyone here had success in doing this?



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,074

    Hi David

    There is not currently a Logos app for Blackberry has a discussion where people have tried various options to get it working but - as far as I can see - without success.

    You will have access to your resources via a web browser at but I think that's the best you will be able to do.


  • Everett Headley
    Everett Headley Member Posts: 951 ✭✭


    for what it's worth I would only a buy a blackberry if I had to for corporate reasons.  I am shopping for a new phone now and looked it over pretty extensively.  But I am very much in favor of Android.  My only complaint about Android is, oddly enough, Logos.  iOS has more features and my thought it that Android will never have parity with the iOS version.  But my phone is used for much more (my android tablet too) than just Logos.

  • David S. Daniels
    David S. Daniels Member Posts: 29 ✭✭


    Thanks for your comments regarding Blackberry vs Android & Apple. 

    I've only had Blackberry smartphones - their texting, messaging and email is superior to the other systems in my view. But one of the biggest draws for me is that Blackberry is by far the most efficient in its use of data. If they had a Logos App, I wouldn't even consider purchasing an Android or iPhone. But there is no Logos App, and it doesn't appear that there will be any time soon.

    It is very frustrating to know that it would be (apparently) a fairly simple process to enable a Blackberry to use the Android App. But that doesn't appear to be in the works either.

    Looking at other phones, I've been drawn to the Galaxy Note II - larger screen & the stylus are very inviting to me.

    I'd be very interested in hearing from anyone using Logos on the Galaxy Note II.


  • Supa
    Supa Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I have blackberry z10 sad to say so far cant get it to work with android apps its sad that a good christain bible app wouldn't consider making an app for all devices after all isn't thats what it's all about to spread gods word to everyone christain's shouldn't be bi-est I hope logos see this and it well help them to be a little more inspired. May God bless us in our daily walk with him to help others come to believe that he is King.   

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    I have been looking at the Galaxy Note 2 and find it appealing with the larger screen & stylus. But I'm waiting on the Galaxy Note 3 to be released in the coming months. Not a cellphone, but the Galaxy Note 8 is a nice size too but no cellular only WiFi in the US. The Note 8 Screen resolution is better than on iPad mini. Also, the capablity in some Apps & when using the internet to spilt the screen.. I have only heard positive comments on both...even from users of Apple cellphones for many years do not regret switching to the Galaxy Note

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • David S. Daniels
    David S. Daniels Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Yes, with some 80 million BB users worldwide, I'm sure more than a few would like to access the rich resources of Logos via a BB app.

  • David S. Daniels
    David S. Daniels Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    I've had my Galaxy Note 2 for just over a month.

    I still believe BB's texting, messaging and email is superior, but I have come to love the larger screen. And, of course, I can now use Logos on my phone - bonus! I'm slowly getting accustomed to texting on a touch screen, however, the NOTE 2 has the stylus which is an very nice feature. Two of my children have iPhone 5's, and I'd never trade my Note 2 for those! :)

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Jerome Bridgers
    Jerome Bridgers Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    As of now blackberry 10 can only run older versions of android apps but with the new update due out in Sept. The latest version of android which is jelly bean will be able to work on blackberry 10. 

  • Mike McLeod
    Mike McLeod Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I use Logos on my Desktop and my iPad, but on my Blackberry I use Logos' web app, Olive Tree Bible software or Kindle.  There are always alternatives, and when I am mobile I will not be using the extensive features of Logos that are available on my desktop.  Standing in a cashier or bank lineup is not the best place to do research anyways!

  • Andre
    Andre Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I am able to run logos on the BB Z10. Anyone else?

  • Gabe Martin
    Gabe Martin Member, Logos Employee Posts: 264

    Andre said:

    I am able to run logos on the BB Z10. Anyone else?

    You are able to run it or are not? The last time I checked Blackberry's Android emulation layer did not support our apps. At this time we do not offer support for Blackberry devices using the Android apps.

  • David Loo
    David Loo Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    Good news, everyone! I'm now running Logos (Android version Build 195) on my Blackberry Z10.

    Just earlier this morning, there was an update to the Z10 OS, bringing the OS version to One of the many nice features of this update is the ability to install Android apps directly from my Z10, without the messy side-loading, etc. So after the OS update (took a while, as it was a 980MB or so download), first thing I did was downloaded the Android Logos apk file, copied it over to my Z10, and installed it.

    I'm running it now and downloading some of my books from my Library. So far, seems to run well. Not as nice as on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet, but certainly a welcome addition on my Z10.

    I'll post updates in a few days after playing around some more.

  • Bill Anderson
    Bill Anderson Member Posts: 603 ✭✭


    That's just great. I would love to hear more. I'd also like to hear of other apps that can run.

    Do you still have to sideload everything or is their the ability to download things from the Play Store?

  • David Loo
    David Loo Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    I've had the Android version running on my Blackberry Z10 since end of January, and so far, it's been working great. I even updated the app to the latest build (4.0.15). The latest version of BB10 OS allows direct-install of Android apps, without having to side-load through your computer. If you're running BB10 10.2.1 or later, it should work very well. I haven't had a chance to try installing from Google Play store, or similar sites.

    As for Logos itself, it works just like on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. Even my notes come over fine, and they display without problems. The split-screen also works like on the tablet. In short, everything works pretty much like it does on my Galaxy Note 10.1.

    Of course, with the screen being only 4in, the display area is a bit small. Also, as the processor is not as powerful, I did experience a bit of waiting around when the app launches, etc. I plan to upgrade to a Z30, with a much larger screen and more powerful processor, so maybe things will work much faster then. But overall, I still find the app quite usable.

    For my heavy-duty sermon preparation and studies, I usually use my laptop (Lenovo X220). But for my daily reading of bibles, commentaries, etc., I much prefer using the tablet. And now, with Logos running on my Z10, I can still read or look up things when I'm not at my computer and don't have my tablet with me (it's extremely rare that I don't have my phone with me).

  • Rainer Mittelstaedt
    Rainer Mittelstaedt Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I have finally been able to get Logos working on my Blackberry Q10.  I went to and followed the instructions. After that I found the Logos Bible app and downloaded that.  It does take a little more time than I'd like to start the app but once its running seems to be fine the small screen notwithstanding. I probably won't use it for major studying but it is nice to have it ready to use even if not near my computer or iPad.