Uninstalled iPhone App
I apologize in advance for the rant because I cannot stand posts like this, but I feel like it is necessary at this point. Logos 5 and the iPad app have worked miracles for my seminary life and my ministry work. I love being able to quickly call up the Bible Word Study or Passage Guide and flip through my resources while listening to my pastor or a guest speaker. However, as of today I have given up hope on the iPhone app and removed it completely. It is too slow, intermittently responsive, has UI controls that are far too small for a phone application, a font that is too difficult to read, and is generally unpleasant to use. I realize that Logos is trying to maintain some sense of consistency between the platforms, but it seems to me that the entire application could benefit from better use of human factors in consideration of interface design and responsiveness.
Thanks for the great work on the desktop application and the iPad app. They are invaluable tools in every piece of work that I do for the Lord.
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I can understand what you are saying Wesley and empathise with you to some extent.
Indeed I would only use the iPhone app as a last resort – the iPad app is much better suited to real work. Even then if I want to do anything much more than read I fire up the laptop.
However you should not be suffering slower or more intermittent response on your iPhone, (unless it is a significantly older model) both apps should act in a similar manner when connected to the same data source.
As with all technology iPhone apps are a deal slower on older models due to constant addition of facilities trying to operate on a slower processor.
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