New Thread: Highlighting between iPad and Desktop versions (Logos 5/Win8 and Logos 5/OSX)

Bud Brown
Bud Brown Member Posts: 43 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have found several old threads on this issue, but in sorting through them I have not found whether there is a solution to this problem yet.

I use the iPad when I have a lot of reading to do in a book; I'll make highlights (red highlighter mostly) but they do not sync to the desktop. Here are the specs:

  • In every case I am using the same username to sync with the Logos servers
  • iPad 2
  • Logos 5.0b SR-4 ( on Mac OSX 10.8.4
  • Logos 5.0 on Win8
  • Automatic updates on both desktops
  • Ran "update now" command on both desktops
  • Both were updated this morning with the 6/14 updates

The highlighting I create on my iPad does not sync to either desktop.

So what's the fix for this?



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,055

    Hi Bud.

    This will sound like a silly question but why do you believe that sync isn't taking place?

    have you checked which Notesfile you are using for highlighting on the iPad and have you confirmed that this is enabled as a visual filter on your desktops?

    incidentally, the "update now" command has nothing to do with synching highlights. It is about updating your Logos-sourced resources.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    In addition to Graham's question...

    1. When was the last time you did a fresh install of the mobile app (delete & reinstall)? Have you just been updating from version to version for a while?
    2. How large is your note document?
    3. what version of the mobile app?

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Bud Brown
    Bud Brown Member Posts: 43 ✭✭

    I know it doesn't work.

    • I have the same note file open on the iPad and both desktops
    • I am reading a book on the iPad, making highlights of various sentences and paragraphs
    • The highlights do not appear on the desktops
    • All three are logged in to the same account
    • In addition, note files created on the iPad are not pushed to the desktops
    • I have visual filter for the note file enabled on both desktops

    I am going to change the account settings (through the logos website) and restart the desktops and the iPad app to see if that forces a sync.

  • Bud Brown
    Bud Brown Member Posts: 43 ✭✭
    • I don't delete and install the mobile app; I let the App store handle that.
    • I have no idea how large the note file is.
    • Whatever is the latest version of the App is what's on the iPad
  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,055

    Bud Brown said:

    I am going to change the account settings (through the logos website) and restart the desktops and the iPad app to see if that forces a sync.

    this could force you to delete and reinstall the iPad app as there is currently no way to change the password.

    if highlights aren't being synced then this could result in your highlights being lost

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    You can get an idea of how large the note document is by pretending to print it from L5 (no need to actually print!). It would be good to know how many pages it would want to print. There have been issues with "large" note documents in the past, but things have been getting better. 

    There is a good chance that a fresh install will fix the issue. A couple of warnings... You will need to redownload your downloaded resources. This should happen automatically, but if you have many, it might take a while. Also, you will probably lose your highlights from the mobile app that haven't synced. 

    If this will cause you troubles, you can wait for Logos to chime in... You might also want to post logs before you delete the app. You you can find this through Settings/Help/Send Support Info. Change the email address to your own so that you can save the log attachment. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Bud Brown
    Bud Brown Member Posts: 43 ✭✭

    Problem solved.

    • I shut down all three apps
    • I logged on to my account through the logos server
    • I changed my email address
    • I started the two desktop apps, forcing them to show the sign-in window
    • I changed the email address for log-in on both
    • I deleted the iPad app and re-installed (this was not a version upgrade as I had the most current version)
    • I re-installed the iPad app and logged on with the new email address

    Now the highlights made on iPad (before the delete and reinstall) show up on both desktops.