What to do? Reading Plan not syncing again

Donovan R. Palmer
Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,697
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Started a new reading plan about a week ago.  It has already stopped syncing with my Mac desktop App.  The last time this happened, the only way I could fix it was to uninstall the iPad app and re-install it. I would really, really rather not do this again because of the effort that is required to download my library.  Faithlife and Biblia are fine, so this is an iPad iOS issue.

Advice?  Suggestions?  Throw the iPad overboard into the sea? 



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    You mean Faithlife.com is fine, or the app?

    Can you access the actual reading plan document on the mobile app?

    I assume, but just to clarify... Did the plan ever show up?

    What is the plan? What resource?

    Did you try killing the app via the mult-task bar? What about a full restart of the device?

    What versions of both apps are you running?

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  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,697

    Faithlife.com and Biblia.com (websites) have the plan synced correctly.

    The Faithlife iOS app has the plan synced correctly.

    The Bible! iOS app shows the plan but it is behind. It was syncing properly as of two days ago and then it suddenly stopped keeping up.

    I am using Logos for Mac at the desktop.

    All apps are the latest versions.

    The plan is based on the ESV to read the Bible chronologically in a year based on Morris Proctor's suggested readings on the wiki.

    I have tried killing the app multiple times and completely restarting my iPad with no success.

    I'm going to continue reading on my Mac desktop and hopefully it will catch up. Otherwise, I am stuck where I was about a month or so ago when I had to blow it up and reinstall it to get it to pick up the plan and stay synced properly.  I really don't want to do that again. 

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Strange. I have heard a few others with difficulties... I use the app daily and have not had any problems with reading plan sync for a very long time. 

    You said that the faithlife app is OK. Did you just install it to check, or have you been using it all along?

    Also, what is your normal habit about the reading plan... Do you primarily use your desktop? iPad? I really never use my desktop for the reading plan (but I do see that it continues to update the correct readings on the homepage).

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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    The plan is based on the ESV to read the Bible chronologically in a year based on Morris Proctor's suggested readings on the wiki

    To clarify: You manually created this plan via suggestions in the wiki, right? I wonder if there is something in the plan itself causing troubles with the mobile app...

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  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,697

    I manually created the plan, but the time before I used one of the stock plans that L5 provides.

    I do read on the desktop and then sometimes if I am on the road use the iPad. I suspect when I moved back and forth across, this is when the trouble started. It is possible that reading on the iPad had not synced yet to the desktop before I went to the desktop.  I would hope it would be more robust than this, but it appears I have broke it again at least for Bible! [:(]

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    One more thing to check... Can you see if it actually duplicated the reading plan?

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  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,697

    Good question. I checked it and it has not duplicated.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Ugh. Sorry... Hopefully Logos will chime in for you. 

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  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,697

    Well, good news. I was able to get it working again today. What I did was catch up my reading on my iPad and then take the lead in my plan by continuing to read there. This then, my to my surprise, brought the reading forward on the desktop.  So syncing from iPad to desktop was still working, just not the other way around.

    Then today, with the iPad syncing properly with the desktop, I did my reading on the desktop. When I marked it as completed, then the sync back worked properly.

    It appears that the sync sequence between the two is a bit temperamental on the iPad if it gets behind.  Like I said, this has happened before.

    The lesson here for me is to insure that I am completely synced up before moving back and forth between platforms.  I think coming off of a flight, I forgot that I had marked the day's reading done on the flight, so I did it again on the desktop.  Then I continued to read on with the desktop, but the iPad got confused. It was only when the iPad was caught up and even moving the plan forward was I able to resume reading on the desktop. You can't manually click 'read' on both platforms, otherwise it appears that the sync mechanism doesn't know what to do.  

    I am a bit surprised that the sync mechanism is not more robust than this, but now that I know what the problem is, I can avoid this happening again.  If my iPad was not just WiFi only, it would always be up to date.  However, I need to be very intentional when coming off the road and transitioning back to the desktop.

    Hope this makes sense and if anyone else has any issues, they can learn from my mistake.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you discover anything else. 

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  • Dustin Masters (Work)
    Dustin Masters (Work) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 217

    Hi Donovan,

    Sorry about that!  I did some digging through our server logs and didn't see any problems, so it's unlikely that this is a server issue.  Your iPad appears to be not trying to sync after marking a session as read.  I'll open a case and have someone follow up with you.


    Software Dev at Logos.  How to post your logs: (Windows) (Mac)

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Then today, with the iPad syncing properly with the desktop, I did my reading on the desktop. When I marked it as completed, then the sync back worked properly.

    So at this point everything is syncing properly?

    What versions of Desktop/Mobile are you using, and how are you marking your readings as "Read" on Desktop?  There are three ways to mark a reading as Read on Desktop (Home Page, from within the resource, and from within the Reading Plan itself).

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,697

    Yes, everything is working again. I think most of the time I mark the plan read within the resource itself, though on occasion I would do it on the home page, but I don't think I have ever done it within the reading plan itself.

    I am running the latest version of everything on the mac and iOS.