BUG Android reference lookup

Francis Member Posts: 3,839 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hello, lately, I am unable to look up a reference in a text by clicking on the hyperlink on my tablet (ICS 4.0). The pop up says it's unavailable. I went into settings and it says that choosing a default version is unavailable offline. I went online and tried again after signing out and back in, same. The Bible I use as default is installed locally and works fine otherwise. 

There seems to be a problem there. I am on automatic updates, so I am using whatever is currently the last version.

Additionally, I find strange that one would not be able to have access to a default Bible selection offline. I understand that there is need for sync but it defeats the purpose of a portable device if too many features are online dependent. 



  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Francis said:

    Hello, lately, I am unable to look up a reference in a text by clicking on the hyperlink on my tablet (ICS 4.0).

    Which resource are you using, and which version of the app are you running?

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,839 ✭✭✭

    The problem applies to every resource I have tried (I tried several of them). The version is 2.5.3

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,839 ✭✭✭

    In addition, I have had repeated trouble downloading resources today. It keeps telling me it failed. I was able to download one resource after several attempts. For the others, I gave up. I thought perhaps it was a space problem and deleted a large quantity of titles. I tried again: same problem.

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,839 ✭✭✭

    There has been improvement (with no explanation I can provide for it): products downloaded and the default version shows. There are still oddities. For instance, when I put display notes on, it showed in one Bible (LSG) but not the other (NASB). Then as I was in the history menu, it suddenly appeared on the side in the NASB. When I returned to NASB, it was gone, then later it appeared in it. Overall, a rather strange behaviour it seems to me.

    In addition, searches are so dreadfully slow that they are unusable. I search top Bibles only and the spinner just keeps on spinning. I get tired of it and go back to my PC to do searches. I know my tablet is not very powerful, but we're talking about searching just a few titles here. Additionally, there is even less when offline, yet search is not any faster...

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Francis said:

    The problem applies to every resource I have tried (I tried several of them). The version is 2.5.3

    We haven't received any other reports like this, which seems to indicate it might be an issue with either the install, your particular device or your wifi connection quality.  Are you offline or online when attempting this? Have you attempted to reinstall the app?

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Francis said:

    In addition, I have had repeated trouble downloading resources today. It keeps telling me it failed. I was able to download one resource after several attempts. For the others, I gave up. I thought perhaps it was a space problem and deleted a large quantity of titles. I tried again: same problem.

    This sounds like a network connection problem, since I haven't heard of any reports like this from anyone else in the last week.  In Settings there is a Help > Send Support Info option.  Please send that to us and Cc: kevin (dot) byford (at) logos (dot) com .

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Francis said:

    There has been improvement (with no explanation I can provide for it): products downloaded and the default version shows. There are still oddities. For instance, when I put display notes on, it showed in one Bible (LSG) but not the other (NASB). Then as I was in the history menu, it suddenly appeared on the side in the NASB. When I returned to NASB, it was gone, then later it appeared in it. Overall, a rather strange behaviour it seems to me.

    I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean, but notes do not sync instantly (especially if you have a lot of them).  Most of your comments in this thread seem to indicate a low quality wifi connection, but we should be able to tell more from your support info logs.

    Francis said:

    In addition, searches are so dreadfully slow that they are unusable. I search top Bibles only and the spinner just keeps on spinning. I get tired of it and go back to my PC to do searches. I know my tablet is not very powerful, but we're talking about searching just a few titles here. Additionally, there is even less when offline, yet search is not any faster...

    What make/model is your device?

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,839 ✭✭✭