Almost 3,000 Books now able to be accessed on the iPhone app



  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭

    Just saw a tweet from Paul McCain of CPH saying that they have not been contacted about getting permission for these resources.

    Did you ask Paul McCain why he took the time to tweet this info and has not taken the time to contact Logos directly to give them permission?  Seems like that would be a better use of his time.

    My Books in Logos & FREE Training

  • Brian Yamabe
    Brian Yamabe Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Did you ask Paul McCain why he took the time to tweet this info and has not taken the time to contact Logos directly to give them permission?  Seems like that would be a better use of his time.

    I don't want to get into a chicken and egg argument about who should be contacting who. For all I know Logos has a queue of publishers and CPH is down on that list because they (Logos) have a finite number of resources and wants to do things systematically. I asked here because it is Logos' iPhone app and they add value to their product by contacting the publishers.

  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭

    . For all I know Logos has a queue of publishers and CPH is down on that list because they (Logos) have a finite number of resources and wants to do things systematically.

    that would be my guess, which is why I suggested you tweet back at Mr. McCain.  If he has the time to tweet, maybe he could contact Logos directly, and expedite the approval process.   I don't use this resource, so it does not matter to me, but for those who care it seems like that would move things along much faster.

    My Books in Logos & FREE Training

  • Tom Bartzsch
    Tom Bartzsch Member Posts: 73

    I'm interested in several titles from Concordia Publishing House (Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions and the upcoming Lutheran Study Bible).


    Since the Concordia Commentary has been the newest CPH resource in Logos, and it is on the iPhone, I'm guessing that the contract language used for that included phrasing reflecting the (at-the-time) upcoming iPhone app. With TLSB due out in April, I would guess that as a new resource, it too will come right to the iPhone, since it will probably reflect a newer contract.

    That said, I still hope that Logos and CPH can get together on the older stuff soon!


    1 Cor 2:2

  • Michael Sullivan
    Michael Sullivan Member Posts: 142 ✭✭

    Is it only contract negiotiation that is keeping resources of the iPhone?  If so, why aren't the infographics (an inhouse product, from what I gather) not accessible yet?

    Also - regarding the contract negotiations - they are not as simple as just asking publishers for the rights to post the product on the iPhone.  Publishers are also being asked to completely rework the contracts in other aspects to - specifically (from what I understand) regarding the fee that is paid to convert a product to a Logos format (which will be substatially lower - maybe even free), royalties and distribution.  The distribution aspect of it is the one that concerns me a bit because, from what I understand, this means that resources for the Logos format will only be able to be purcharsed through Logos, regardless of the publisher.  Publishers still will have say in pricing,  (This what I understand, anyway.) 

    It is not as simple as having Paul  McCain call Bob Pritchett and say, "Go ahead with the iphone."  Logos is contacting all the publishers - CPH included - to discuss the new model they want to proceed with.  The publishers wil have to consider the impact this new model will have on them before they make a decision.  The iPhone lisencing is just a small part of a much larger new business model that Logos has and is presenting to the publishers.

    By the way, I some (but not all) of what I wrote contains speculation on my part - and I could be wrong on the conclusions and am happy to be corrected.


  • The Lutheran Study Bible is scheduled to be released for Logos in April?  I didn't know that.  Great news!

  • Terry Poperszky
    Terry Poperszky Member Posts: 1,576

    It is not as simple as having Paul  McCain call Bob Pritchett and say, "Go ahead with the iphone." 

    Once lawyers are involved, nothing is that simple.



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 879

    Once permission is granted, there's also the issue of converting the format and testing, I believe.  That takes time too.

  • Michael Sullivan
    Michael Sullivan Member Posts: 142 ✭✭

    From my source (an editor at a certain small publisher - NOT CPH) I don't get the impression lawyers are involved.  Rather it is just a new business model that Logos is persuing, and this new business model has to be considered carefully by publishers so that it can be mutually beneficial.  The iphone app is really only a part (and probably a rather small one)  to the bigger picture of renegotiations.

    My only "potential" gripe is that if Logos gets sole distribution rights, I "potentially" lose  the 20% discount I had enjoyed for so long purchasing products for Logos directly from two certain publishers.

  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭

    My only "potential" gripe is that if Logos gets sole distribution rights, I "potentially" lose  the 20% discount I had enjoyed for so long purchasing products for Logos directly from two certain publishers.

    Nothing comes to us cheap.  Look at Zondervan's Pradis.. they wanted to do it all on their own and look where it got their customers.  

    My Books in Logos & FREE Training

  • Aaron Cantrell
    Aaron Cantrell Member Posts: 26 ✭✭

    Has anyone else noticed that the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels and the Dictionary of Paul and his Letters is now on the Iphone?

  • Dan Sheppard
    Dan Sheppard Member Posts: 377 ✭✭

    The Lutheran Study Bible is scheduled to be released for Logos in April?  I didn't know that.  Great news!


    Ralph and everyone-

    One point to keep in mind, is that Concordia has published "the Lutheran Study Bible".  Augsburg published the "Lutheran Study Bible".  I recall hearing that the only difference in name, is the word "the" in front of Concordia's.  So it would be important to know the difference.

    In terms of reading, the ELCA version has more gender neutral terms for the word, God. 

    So for me, it is important to have Concordia's version.


    I actually sent a note to Paul McCain, the publisher of Concordia Publishing House, hoping to get the ball rolling with them for my Logos products.  His response to me, was:

    "Logos has not been in contact with us.  They have some of our books available but not others and we do not know why and we have not been able to get a clear answer from them."

    Rev Paul T. McCain


    I sent the note to Logos customer service.




  • Mark Knutsen
    Mark Knutsen Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    That's a good sign. Any other titles from the Essential IVP Reference Collection yet? I'm going to wait to upgrade until there are.

  • Hi, Dan.  Good reminder that there are two very different study Bibles with very similar names.  I do have a copy of Augsburg's "Lutheran Study Bible" just so I can keep up with the materials the ELCA's publishing house is producing, and the slant taken in those materials.  But like you, what I was referring to was Concordia's "The Lutheran Study Bible."  My congregation and I have found Concordia's edition an extremely helpful resource.  What I'm hoping for is Concordia's study Bible to be released in Logos format some time in the not-too-distant future.  So is it scheduled for April, or isn't it?  Concordia has released a lot of its products in Kindle format.  It would be great if more could be made available on Logos.

    Just wondering, Dan -- You are a pastor, aren't you?  If so, are you WELS?  ELS?  Seems like I've seen you post on various Lutheran internet forums.

    Blessings in Christ, brother.

  • Dan Sheppard
    Dan Sheppard Member Posts: 377 ✭✭

    Just wondering, Dan -- You are a pastor, aren't you?  If so, are you WELS?  ELS?  Seems like I've seen you post on various Lutheran internet forums.


    Hi, Ralph-

    What I had heard from Concordia quite a while ago, was "by June".  Who knows, how long that REALLY is...

    I am actually NOT a pastor.  I am just layman, but I am quite heavy into study of the Word.

    I am a member of LCMS.  There are a few websites I have located, for Lutherans to post.  Amazingly enough, the Internet really permits that kind of community to assemble.

    There are quite a few Lutherans I see, posting to these boards, so it is nice to see all of you out there, looking for the same resources I am.


    Blessings to you, too.


  • Hi, Dan.

    If I may be so bold, there's no such thing as "just" a laymen.  After all, Philip Melanchthon was a layman, and he wrote the Augsburg Confession, the Apology, and the Treatise.  Wow!  We need more laymen like that -- zealous students of God's Word and theology, heavy into study of the Word, to use your phrase.  I wish there were more of your breed in my congregation.

    It is good to make your acquaintance, and to read your contributions to this and other forums.

    Thank you!


  • Steve Garcia
    Steve Garcia Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    This is really cool. An amazing array of books.

    But I must admit, I use my Laridian app much more. Logos just feels slower and more cumbersome. I'm sure I'm missing something, so...

    1) Can you point me to the link where I can learn how to make books accessible off-line?

    2) Is there a basic set-up operation for getting fully up and running with Logos on my iPhone?

    3) other tips?



  • davidphillips
    davidphillips Member Posts: 640 ✭✭

    1) Can you point me to the link where I can learn how to make books accessible off-line?

    2) Is there a basic set-up operation for getting fully up and running with Logos on my iPhone?

    Welcome to the forums, Steve! To get you started:

    1) There is a link to a youtube video that the bottom that demonstrates how to make books available for off-line reading.

    2) The only set-up you need is to sign in with your account!



  • Barry Wingfield, PhD
    Barry Wingfield, PhD Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I'm needing "Introducing the New Testament' by Drane to be on the iphone available list. Any idea when?

  • Henry Au
    Henry Au Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I am reading the Bible Knowledge Commentary and I would like to know if I can read it with Logos for iPhone soon....

  • Henry Au
    Henry Au Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    How about the NIV & TNIV? I want to read them on my iPhone too...

  • Aaron Cantrell
    Aaron Cantrell Member Posts: 26 ✭✭

    What about books that the Logos website says are accessible with iPhone?  IVP Dictionary of OT for example.


  • Dewayne Davis
    Dewayne Davis Member Posts: 850

    Henry Au said:

    I am reading the Bible Knowledge Commentary and I would like to know if I can read it with Logos for iPhone soon....

    I too have been watching for this one almost daily. I don't see why it should be a problem. Everyone else has it... Olive Tree, Laridian, etc..

    “... every day in which I do not
    penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
    is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
    firm ground of the Word of God.”

  • Aaron Cantrell
    Aaron Cantrell Member Posts: 26 ✭✭

    To me the big issue is that the product page says it is available and yet it is not.  No one from Logos is willing to come out and say what the problem is.  Daily I am getting less and less happy about this.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,412 ✭✭✭

    This thread ( answers why the books are released and said to be available on the iphone, but not yet.

    Basically, it is a process where it has to be uploaded to the server and then indexed. I am guessing that they won't do it for every single book on the day it is published since this would mean the iphone and server would be constantly indexing. Just a guess based on what was said in the above forum.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Aaron Cantrell
    Aaron Cantrell Member Posts: 26 ✭✭

    Yes, I started that thread, and received what I believe is an adequate response from Logos.  But, I also said that it would probably be wise on Logos' part not to advertise that a book is available on the Iphone until after it actually is available on the Iphone.  I feel it would be better to be surprised by seeing it on my phone even though it is not advertised to be available yet, than to see it advertised as available, even though it is not really available yet.

  • April  Pyle
    April Pyle Member Posts: 98 ✭✭

    I vote for that one too.  I also like Bible Reader's Companion by Larry O Richards.  He has the Every Prayer, Woman, Man, Angel, etc series too which are also not available for iphone/ipod.

    The Iphone ap is a Godsend for me as I have a repetative stress problem with my mouse hand and find reading on the Touch to be much better for me.  Unfortunately, the some 3000 titles available for the Ipod touch are mostly from the much more extensive libraries which I neither need or could afford.  I have the Bible Study Library and in order to get additional resources that would be of use to me,  a lay person studying for spiritual growth, I'd have to to up to the Scholars Silver or Gold which is a substantial upgrade for me and would be a total waste of money.  All I can do is hope that more of the more basic items in my library will become available on the Iphone soon.



  • April  Pyle
    April Pyle Member Posts: 98 ✭✭

    Oops.  Thought I quoted the message I was replying to.  It was the one who reads Bible Knowledge Commentary.


  • Gabe Powell
    Gabe Powell Member Posts: 76 ✭✭

    Dan's original post was December 17th. Is there an updated list? Has the list grown significantly?

    Laptop: Windows 7 Professional x64, Intel Dual-Core, 2GB RAM, Radeon X1600

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  • Adam Cinzio
    Adam Cinzio Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    There are a lot of energetic posters on these forums.  I would love to see a mechanism where all this energy can be devoted to actually assisting the conversion of books into the correct format.  There are many willing fingers to type and retype texts and format them appropriately.

    I guess there is the risk of someone posting a "backup" onto the internet and breaking the rules.  Is there anything users can do to help, apart from upgrading, pre-pub purchasing, and donating more $$?

    Just wondering...