Touch screen sensitivity.

Andrew BN
Andrew BN Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have Asus Memo 10" running Android 4.1.1. In Logos it looks like a short tap on the title at top left is change open book and long touch brings up search dialogue box. I find sometimes my tablet confuses the two, generally in favour of a long touch, and sometimes ignores me. This only happens in Logos and in the pre-installed Asus music player, all other apps respond to touch as I expect. Response of the screen divider is also buggy, sometimes moves, sometimes brings up sync dialogue, sometimes drops movement of divider without my finger leaving thescreen, sometimes ignore me. Does anyone know why?



  • Patrick Oden
    Patrick Oden Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I have the exact same problem on my 7" Samsung Tab 2.

  • Andrew BN
    Andrew BN Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    Thanks, I thought I was the only one. I have read articles on the web about "zombie finger" which I thought I had. But it may be a zombie screen, or a zombie app. The rest of Logos Android works great.

    I have increased "Touch & hold delay" on my tab and it helps a bit but I still get a random response that assumes I have made a long touch and not a tap. Maybe with time my finger will de-zombify.

  • Andrew BN
    Andrew BN Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    I have started using a stylus which has made a difference. Maybe there really is something wrong with my finger.

  • Paul Golder
    Paul Golder Member Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭

    I have the same problem on my Nook HD, and only in Logos. 

    I'm thinking that most of it stems from when I short touch the the upper left of the screen, that Logos may have received the input but makes no indication that it is preparing to do something, which in turn makes me tend to touch too long, thus leading to the appearance of the search box.

    While it may be a problem with the app code, I'm thinking that it's more that the app runs quite slow at points, and gives no indication that it is performing the requested action.

    This has been my experience anyway.

    "As any translator will attest, a literal translation is no translation at all."

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Andrew BN said:

    I have started using a stylus which has made a difference. Maybe there really is something wrong with my finger.

    I have long wondered if callouses or neuropathy can have an effect on touch screen function. I have a terrible time with my iPad and I do have neuropathy.

    Is it necessary to be grounded for a touch screen to work?  

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Andrew BN said:

    In Logos it looks like a short tap on the title at top left is change open book and long touch brings up search dialogue box.

    I don't think the issue is short vs long press...the dialog to change the open book shows up if you click precisely on the title, and the search box appears if you click anywhere else. We appreciate the feedback that this interaction is proving difficult...we are currently exploring some alternatives that will hopefully provide for easier navigation throughout the whole app.

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Random Cool UI Ideas:

    Swipe from edge: eg. see SwipePad. I don't use the app, but found it while looking at the feasibility of swipe from edge on Android (like Google Now launch gesture).

    Radial & Arc Menus: eg. see Libraries for developers (Although I would implement the radials differently, long-press, drag finger around screen with highlight following, release on desired option.)

    Freestyle gestures: eg. see Gesture Tool. Not as much a fan of these, but simple ones are nice. Check mark to add to favorites, n or N to add note. ho-hum.

    Ok, Sorry. Can't resist even the hint of gestures being mentioned.

  • Paul Golder
    Paul Golder Member Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭

    Well isn't this is something. I got my stylus out and man does it make a difference. I would dare say that it's almost "snappy".

    I'm thinking that with good fingertip navigation, this would be quite the useful program.

    "As any translator will attest, a literal translation is no translation at all."

  • Fr Devin Roza
    Fr Devin Roza MVP Posts: 2,419

    I don't think the issue is short vs long press...the dialog to change the open book shows up if you click precisely on the title, and the search box appears if you click anywhere else. We appreciate the feedback that this interaction is proving difficult...we are currently exploring some alternatives that will hopefully provide for easier navigation throughout the whole app.

    Sounds great.

    On the Nexus 7 I find it extremely difficult to press on the little box in the upper left hand corner that opens up the Library/Search/News/etc dialogue. Oftentimes it either flips a page back or opens up the Title change dialogue box. Same problem when trying to hit the text in the upper right hand corner to open up the table of contents.

    Maybe I'm just bad at hitting these things, but I don't seem to have this type of problem in other apps. I get the impression the Logos touch surface areas are simply smaller than most apps for popping open these dialogue boxes.

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    I get the impression the Logos touch surface areas are simply smaller than most apps for popping open these dialogue boxes.

    They are, and we realize that. We're working on a solution. [:)]