Logos.com website down?

Anyone else unable to get to the main site but still able to access the forums?
I was not even really able to access these. I resorted to a cached version of logos then click on forums. It was really strange I searched for logos dot com and page not found but put logo in search box then I put logos bible software in and it gave not found but yhs in search box.....Avg not found.
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Yes, unfortunately the Maintainence scheduled for tonight has caused logos.com and some other sites to not work. People are currently working on getting things back up ASAP.
So sorry for the issues it is causing for you all.
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These things happen, no need to apologize. [:D] Besides, my wife will thank you for keeping me from spending money on some of the daily Twitter deals.[:D]
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This issue seems to be affecting server-based functions on the mobile apps such as the ability to download books and run text comparison / passage guide functions.
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If this is true, then maybe I should repeat an old suggestion: it could be to Logos' great advantage if there is a failover server at all times.
Or, at the very least, some kind of "Please try again in xxx hours" pingback banner message.
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Graham Criddle said:
This issue seems to be affecting server-based functions on the mobile apps such as the ability to download books and run text comparison / passage guide functions.
It also affects "Update Now"/"Update resources" which is kind of a less-than-optimum situation during the largest data update Logos pushed out to us.
I also note that logos.com display a "Under maintenance" page, while vyrso.com is just not available as per browser message. While faithlife.com is up (just as the forums are - thanks! :-) at bible.faithlife.com and biblia.com the browser shows "Server error". Maybe those could get a maintenance page in the future, too. I also was under the impression that the scheduled maintenances were to be pre-communicated - but maybe I overlooked a post.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Hope all is well, it is over 6 hours now [:(]
MacBookPro Retina 15" Late 2013 2.6GHz RAM:16GB SSD:500GB macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.2.1
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Seems everything is back up and running (except the display of usernames in topics.logos.com EDIT: and the same in the logos wiki)
Have joy in the Lord!