Crash when dropping/pasting text into a Notes box

Attempt to drop text into a new Note results in a system crash. I have done this successfully before, but it has crashed twice now on the same commentary/text: New American Commentary on Matthew, the following from the Mt 3:11-12 section: "Both John and Jesus will preach repentance and use water baptism as the outward sign of an inward change (cf. John 4:1–2), but only Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire."
1. Open Logos
2. Enter Mt. 3:11-12 in the Enter passage or topic box
3. Open a note file. I had created one for sermon work in this passage.
4. From the Passage Guide, open the New American Commentary: Matthew resource
5. Highlight the sentence mentioned above in Description
6. Drag the sentence to the note box (Observed that manual Copy/Paste also causes a crash)
7. Cry when Logos crashes
Actual Result:
Logos crashes.
Expected Result:
Highlighted portion of the commentary gets added to my note.
System Specs:
2007 MacBook Pro 17", 4g ram
Presently running Win 7 32 bit Build 7100 via Bootcamp
Drat, forgot to attach my log even after insisting to myself that I would not forget...
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Belay this, this is a known issue. I see it now in the Release Notes: "Dragging an application hyperlink in an edit field crashes the app." That's what was happening in my example above, the reference to John 4:1-2 was an application hyperlink.