Ipod - Passage Guide - how do I get Bible Verse to also show up

I have an IPOD with Verbum installed. When I use the Passage Guide for a verse the Commentaries, etc. show up for that verse but I can't seem to get the verse itself to show up. I would have thought this would have automatically shown up as part of the Passage Guide results. However it isn't. So I was wondering how I could do this. Is there somewhere I need to change a setting?
Thanks for your help.
Greg Rose
Hi Greg
Greg Rose said:I have an IPOD with Verbum installed. When I use the Passage Guide for a verse the Commentaries, etc. show up for that verse but I can't seem to get the verse itself to show up
In none of the Passage Guides that I am familiar with on Logos does the verse get displayed.
There's probably the assumption that you already have the verse open somewhere else - and if you were running a PG on a larger range than a verse that could take up a lot of the screen itself.
So I don't believe there is any way to do this.
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