Automatic download of books to my Android devices appears broken.

JohnB Member Posts: 1,085 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Neither my Google Nexus 7 (2012) (v 4.4.2) or my Google Nexus S (v 4.1.2) will download books automatically when the books are marked to be downloaded on my PC.

Similarly, when I manually request download through my Nexus, although the book is downloaded, the PC library is not noted that the book is to be downloaded. Synching of the titles of new books into the library on both Nexus continues as normal as does that of my current reading book details.

 My Nexus 7 was working correctly in October 2013 after I installed Logos on it after its predecessor had expired for no apparent reason (while still in its guarantee period). It also was working late in November 2013 when I was setting something up. I am sorry I do not have precise dates handy.

 I had not had cause to check the automatic download until I recently removed and re-installed Logos on my Nexus 7 in connection with installing beta v 4.0 12 onto my Nexus 7. None of my books marked for download did so download. This has remained the same with the stable v 4.0.13. I have carried out a factory reset on my Nexus 7 and also installed Logos on my nexus S. No automatic download takes place with either of my devices. 

 There seem to be several possibilities. The current Logos Android versions are not working properly on Nexus 7 (2012) or Nexus S - Unlikely if no one else has complained.

I have some kind of corruption that is effecting both of my Nexus devices - that would be an interesting coincidence.

There is a problem with my own Logos system effecting downloads to any/all devices that I own – currently my preferred cause.

I am happy to test install apks of older versions if anyone is interested and lets me have them.

Does anyone have any thoughts or comments on my problem and suggestions of what I can do/try next?
