Luther's Works access

I currently have the 55 vol. Luther's Works Libronix disc. Since I own the disc is there a way to receive permissions for access to a digital iPad copy since it is getting harder to run the disc version as computers are moving away from CD drives?
While Luther's Works (55 vols.) is available in Libronix (L3) and in Logos 4 & 5. It does not appear to be accessible to the Ipad. EDIT: It is, see below.
Logos is thankfully moving away from the disc only distribution - and is not distributing books via the internet however. If you have L3 (Since you mention a Libronix disc). I strongly urge you to sync your licenses with the server. (Under the tools menu I believe).
Should you later upgrade to the L5 platform, when you sign in using your username and password from L3, Luther's works should automatically download to your computer without the use of your disc.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Jared DeBlieck said:
I currently have the 55 vol. Luther's Works Libronix disc. Since I own the disc is there a way to receive permissions for access to a digital iPad copy since it is getting harder to run the disc version as computers are moving away from CD drives?
Hi Jared,
If you look at the product description page HERE, you will see the Works of Luther will run on mobile devices. (Just above the price it says "Runs on Windows, Mac and mobile") You do not have to purchase a separate license to do so.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Luther's Works are assuredly available on the iPad:
If you synchronize licenses in Libronix, Logos has a record of your ownership. This means you can access your resources from the internet, and can throw the CD away. You do should this and upgrade to Logos 5 because Libronix support is gone.
If you have already synchronized your licenses, then all you need to do is download the free Logos "Bible!" app from the iOS App Store, then use it to log in to your Logos account, and you'll have full access to whatever Logos resources you own.
Same thing applies to upgrading your desktop software: you can download the latest version of Logos for free, and it will download your library from the internet when you log into it. No need for CDs anymore.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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EGAD, clearly I need glasses. I looked for it and didn't see it.Super.Tramp said:(Just above the price it says "Runs on Windows, Mac and mobile")
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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TCBlack said:
EGAD, clearly I need glasses. I looked for it and didn't see it.
Seriously, Thomas. I am now legally blind and I saw it! I am not sure glasses will help you.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Thank you all, this is resolved.