Giovanni Diodati Bibbia in "Top Bibles"

The Giovanni Diodati Bibbia is a 17th century Italian translation of the Bible. Mobile users can access it freely (though not download it) even if they havn't purchased it. This is the case with a large number of books. So far so good.
Here's the problem. When I do a Text Comparison on my iPad, the GDB pops up as my #3 Top Bible. This bumps my #5 Top Bible off the list. I didn't buy it. I don't want/need it. I can't even read Italian (not 21st C, let alone 17thC!). I want to consult my chosen Top Bibles only.
How do I get rid of GDB - or at least relegate it to #6 position, so it doesn't pop up in the middle of my Top Five?
Peace, Michael! I thought I'd "bump" your post so that perhaps someone else would notice it! Personally, I have no idea how to solve your problem! *smile* Sorry!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Hi Michael
Sorry to say that I have had the same issue since changing some of the prioritization settings some weeks ago.
To date Logos hasn't tracked down the reason.
Strangely while I see this issue in the Bible app it doesn't happen with the Verbum one.