Android and Windows highlighter and notes sync

Andrew Harris
Andrew Harris Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have read a lot of other sync issues but none seem to be the same as I am experiencing.

Neither my notes or highlighting are syncing between my android tablet or my laptop.

Both sync highlighting and notes to documents in my logos account on the web, but they refuse to sync to each other.

Is there a basic setting that I am missing to download the synchronisation?

W7 Laptop Logos 5.2a SR-3 (

Android 4.4.2 tablet Logos 4.2.3





  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Are you certain you're using the same Logos account on your laptop and your Android tablet?

  • Andrew Harris
    Andrew Harris Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I only have the one account.

    And they are both syncing to the same document list online.

  • Andrew Harris
    Andrew Harris Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    After closing and restarting my android app several times it has now synced from my laptop.

    My laptop however is still not displaying the highlighting from my tablet

  • Andrew Harris
    Andrew Harris Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    For future reference for anyone else I have found a work around, not exactly elegant, but it works.

    I created a faithlife secret group with just me in it.

    I then shared my highlighting to the group and selected to collaborate on the highlighting note document.

    I then went to my home screen in Logos 5 on windows. (Which should reset the sync so i have read)

    I then typed "show highlighting" in the command box,

    highlighting then appeared in the document and was selectable in the visual filters toggle.

    Out of interest I checked on my iPhone and it now displays this same highlighting from this collaboration.

    One thing that developers may be able to tell me is if the name of the note document is affecting it. In android it creates a "Highlighter" document, but in windows it is "Highlighter Pens"??/?