Newbie question: How do I find a passage referenced by a specific author?

Colin Rowley
Colin Rowley Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

For example, I'd like to find Spurgeon on 2 Timothy 2.



  • William Gabriel
    William Gabriel Member Posts: 1,091 ✭✭

    Hi Colin, 

    Welcome to the forums. Hopefully some of the MVPs will chime in with their accumulated wisdom, but I'll try to give you a little bit of a start.

    If you're interested in Spurgeon specifically, you may be interested in checking out Mark Barnes' Spurgeon Index:

    I think the best way to do this is to create a collection for the author you want to search and then search in that collection. I was going to recommend using tags, but it looks like you cannot clear a common tag among multiple resources (Logos is only letting me add right now...maybe that's a bug!).

    Anyway, creating a collection by author is really easy. Here's a screenshot on how I did it for John Piper. Just ensure that you have the only author you want in your collection by using the appropriate rules (though I believe that author:Spurgeon will get you what you want--you just have to watch out for common last names):

    Then after you've made your collection, you can narrow your Basic Search by it ["Search All Text in YourAuthorCollection for"]. Make sure you put your reference in the angle brackets with the Bible keyword: <Bible reference>

  • David P. Moore
    David P. Moore Member Posts: 610 ✭✭

    Hi Colin, I'm getting 127 results in 31 resources. Like William says, you need to create a collection first and call it something like "Spurgeo Collection."

    And there are different ways of searching a passage reference. In the way I did it below, you get back everything Spurgeon referenced in chapter 2, wether it is one verse, two verses, or the whole chapter.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,074

    Hi Colin - and welcome to the forums.

    I assume - but just wanted to verify - that you have posted in this forum as you are running the app on your iPad.

    In which case the great suggestions above will only be partially helpful as you can't define collections in the iPad app at the moment.

    If you have Logos 5 and you create the collection there then it will synchonise to the iPad and you can use it in a similar way to that described above.

    Without that, I can't really think of anyway of achieving what you want.

    If you can clarify your setup a little we can help further


  • William Gabriel
    William Gabriel Member Posts: 1,091 ✭✭

    I assume - but just wanted to verify - that you have posted in this forum as you are running the app on your iPad.

    I didn't even notice that--thanks for pointing that out and adding that step!

    I think Logos on mobile would be near impossible to use effectively without a desktop version installed somewhere.